Shikamaru x Reader Pt.3

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Your P.O.V.
Shikamaru and I started talking ever since that night. It was incredible how people can change in a matter of a few years. He was very awkwardly charming, but he was still the Shikamaru I fell in love with. He taught me plenty of new things and helped me through challenges. I was always doubted my abilities as a strategist, but Shikamaru helped me come out of my shell. Now, I'm always in charge of my team when we go out on missions and no one is hurt. I was finally happy. Neji would've been so proud of me for moving on. I expected Hinata to be mad at me for moving on so quickly, but the Hyugas were happy for me.

Hiashi said I was too young to be a widow for the rest of my life. Suddenly, there was a knock at my front door. I answered it to see Choji and Ino. "Hey guys! What's up? How was the mission?" I greeted and asked. My smile dropped when I realized the looks on their faces weren't happy. "(Y/N), it's Shikamaru, he's hurt and they aren't sure if he'll make it." Choji whispered. My eyes widened and quickly filled with tears. "He sacrificed himself for us, it was heroic, but I'm so sorr-" I couldn't listen to Ino. I ran pass them and headed towards the hospital. I rivaled Tsunade in Medical Ninjutsu, so I would do everything I could to save him. I lost Neji, I can't lose Shikamaru.

As soon as I stepped into the building, Sakura stopped me. She held me back and prevented me from seeing Shikamaru. I was angry, but I wasn't going to fight her here. "Sakura, move!" I growled. "I can't let you in there, you'll only make things worse." she stated. I got into her face. "Why don't you go see where Sasuke is? Aren't you two messing around?" I asked. Sakura was angry now. "I don't know if you were informed, but Sasuke and I are married." she retorted. "If you two are married, why is he still treating you like Sakura Haruno instead of an Uchiha?" I asked, referring to Sasuke always traveling and leaving Sakura behind when she wants to travel alongside him.

She wrapped her hands around my neck, but I kicked her in the stomach. Suddenly, she was thrown out of the building. Tsunade glared at both of us and crossed her arms. "What is the matter with you?!!" she asked the both of us. "I came to see Shikamaru, but your precious student here held me back." I explained. Tsunade glared at Sakura. "(Y/N) is Shikamaru's girlfriend and she could help me with his situation. I told you to let her in." Tsunade scolded. I walked pass them and into the room. Shikamaru was surrounded by Medical Ninjas.

His wounds were deep and he was losing a lot of blood. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. Immediately, I focused my chakra on his wounds and it glowed green. Little by little, the bleeding stopped. However, I was running out of chakra. I turned to Tsunade and told her my technique. She obeyed my orders and took my place. I was told to rest, but I couldn't. I drank some water, ate a food pill, and took my place again. My clothes were covered in sweat and blood, my eyelids were heavy, and I lost track of time. All I knew is that I wasn't giving up. This time, I wasn't going to lose the person I love.

~~~~~~~~A few weeks later~~~~~~~

Shikamaru's P.O.V.
"Shikamaru, can you hear me?" a deep voice asked. My head started to sting with pain. I groaned as I opened my eyes. Above me, there was a bright light. To the left of me, stood Naruto. I blinked a couple times before trying to speak. "You're okay! Thank goodness. Here, drink some water, your throat must be dry." he said and held a cup of water to my lips. I took a quick sip. "Naruto, what happened?" I managed to say, but coughed afterwards. "You were injured pretty bad during your last mission. Ino and Choji are fine, they're alive because of you." Naruto explained. I sighed with relief. (Y/N).

"(Y/N)." I whispered. Naruto smiled and looked down. "You were on the verge of death when they brought you here. When she heard of the news, she rushed here and began to treat you. For two weeks, she used Medical Ninjutsu. Then, she started to make ointments and other such things. One day, she asked all of us to step out of the room, so she could perform a special jutsu on you, so we did what she told us to. For five whole days, she performed that jutsu on you and you were back to normal. After she told us the news, she collapsed with exhaustion. But she still managed to ask if she could rest next to you." Naruto explained.

I looked to my right to see (Y/N) in another bed. I immediately frowned when I looked at her. Her skin was pale, her lips were dry, and there were dark circles around her eyes. She looked so..lifeless. Tsunade walked in. "You're finally awake, huh? How are you feeling?" she asked. I told her everything she needed to know, but I kept my eyes on (Y/N). Tsunade noticed. "You're alive because of her. I don't even know what jutsu she performed, but it worked." she stated before leaving.

I knew exactly what jutsu she used, it wasn't too difficult to figure out. I sighed heavily and tried not to cry. It was the jutsu Lady Chiyo used to bring Gaara back to life. "How long have you been awake?" I asked. "Long enough. They weren't supposed to tell you." she answered softly. "Why did you do it? Why would you do something so carelessly?!" I shouted in frustration. I could see her flinch. "I knew what I was doing Shikamaru!" she blurted out and started to cry.

She shut her eyes and buried her face into her pillow. "Gaara was brought back to life with this jutsu. The jutsu took Chiyo's life in return. Chiyo gave me this jutsu and trusted me with it. I was finally figuring out a way to use it without losing my life in return. That's when the war started. I lost Neji and I couldn't save him, so I vowed to perfect the jutsu. I did. That's when I heard about you and I had to save you. I lost Neji, I couldn't bear the thought of losing you too." she said between sobs. Maybe I was a little too harsh on her.

I lifted myself up and limped to her bed. "I'm sorry, thank you for everything. I shouldn't have shouted. I love you and I was just..afraid." I admitted and laid next to her in bed. I held her close to me and buried my face in her hair. "I made sure it wouldn't affect my life in any way after I used it." she stated. I'm such an idiot. She placed a kiss on my lips and held me tighter. "I'm just happy I saved you." she whispered. This just made me realize that I never want to lose her or put her through anything like this again.

~~~~~~~~~~~A year later~~~~~~~~~~~

Your P.O.V.
Immediately after we recovered, Shikamaru proposed to me. Shortly after, I found out I was carrying a child. Our child. Shikamaru and I are the first ones to be parents from our generation. Everyone was happy for us. Hiashi even threw me a baby shower. He said I'll always be part of the family. Ino was extremely excited to be an auntie. Choji was excited as well, but kept his cool. Pregnancy wasn't so bad, but it was a bit irritating when everyone treated me special. I was pregnant, not weak and fragile.

Shikamaru would often scold me about how I should rest instead of constantly walking around. However, I learned that exercise was great for the baby. Then again, I did push my luck when I tried to practice my accuracy with Tenten. I smiled softly and rubbed my belly. Any day now. I giggled when I remembered how Shikamaru reacted when I told him the news. That bright smile on his face. "I told you to always be aware of your surroundings." Shikamaru softly scolded.

I turned around and placed a kiss on his lips. "I knew it was you, dummy." I giggled. He sat beside me and rubbed my belly. "Any moment now, Shikadai." he said. "Who said the baby is a boy?" I asked. "Who said they're a girl?" he retorted. I stuck my tongue out at him. He shook his head and kissed my forehead. "I always think about what would've happened if I just told you about my feelings sooner." Shikamaru whispered and carried me to our bedroom. I knew exactly what he meant.

"I know, but we were just kids back then. Who knows what would've happened? Things take place at certain times for a reason. I'm just glad that we're healthy, alive, and together. We finally built a life for ourselves and I know our child will be a great person just like you." I stated and lied on my left side. "You're right. I'm just glad this is our lives now." he said with a yawn. To everyone, Shikamaru was a lazy person, but I knew better. "I love you, Shikamaru." I stated before he fell asleep. "I love you too." he replied while falling into a deep sleep. I lied there and admired his face. Life couldn't have been more perfect than it was now. I rubbed my belly. I was excited to meet my son.

[A/N]: Annnnnnd that completes it! Unless many of you want a Part 4 ;-; I apologize for my absence once again, I wrote so many endings for this, but I finally decided to go with this one. Thank you for reading! ♡

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