intro / toronto

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tears. tears are what I saw around me, as the teenagers who's faces were unfamiliar to me said their goodbyes to their families and I had the final laugh with one of my best friends, winter. I held her close, then exchanged hugs with her mum, brother and his friend.

every summer since I was 13, their family had let me stay with them for a few weeks and I absolutely loved it.

they'd moved to New York City when we were both in year 7 (grade 6 for americans), and so every year since then I visited them.

anyway, the airport lady in charge of the unaccompanied minors rounded us all up and led us towards security.

I didn't cry, I was sad but I was also getting to see my friends.

the flight to London, England was so freaking long. as soon as I was seated I thought about the stupid rainy weather and wished I could stay with winter forever.


a loud voice booming from a speaker woke me up from my sleep and all I caught was "remain calm and keep your seatbelts on, an attendant will be over shortly"

and as the pre recorded voice said that, we saw them all rushing around and finally one stopped and began talking fairly close to us.

"as you have probably heard on the news recently, there has been a tropical storm building up around various parts of America, and we've just been informed that the rest of the flight to London is far to dangerous to proceed with -"

she paused to let that information sink in

"and therefore we will be making a stop in Toronto since New York City airport is currently unavailable to stop at, and the storm is starting to spread into Canada. your flight to London will be given back to you in air miles as proceeding to London would be inconvenient as the next flights to anywhere near are all cancelled for the next three weeks. enjoy your stay!"

I was scared, extremely scared and relieved that we weren't crashing to our deaths. although that sounds better than being stranded in Toronto, a city in which I knew no one.

but would it be that bad?

toronto / drakeWhere stories live. Discover now