14/ surprises

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three days had passed since we visited the island, those days consisted of eating, laughing and meeting with lia. I hadn't met up with kye as he had gotten sick.

"you heard bout me asking you to stay the rest of the summer right?" aubrey sat next to me in the garden.

"yeah, but after my mum caught me with kye and shit, I doubt it will happen" I sighed. I wanted to stay so badly

"when do you go back to school, anyway?"

I had stayed with my friend for a week and a half, been at drakes for 2 weeks, so I still had 7 or 8 weeks left, as our grade had extended break because of exams.

"I still got ages, like 7 weeks"

"imagine what we could do in that time. you and kye would probably get married or something," we laughed.

"lia though..." I looked up and he had sad eyes "I guess she'd have to go back home.. her parents wouldn't let her stay, I don't think"

"that's my baby, damn.. why they gotta be like that?"

"are you together now? like officially?" if they were, lia had not mentioned it to me.

"nahhhh, she said she wants to take it slow."

"I always forget you're some big famous guy, you would have to announce your relationship to the fans"

"yeah, but she 16 so that wouldn't look good... I need to hold off from pda and shit until she turns 18,"

he probably said those words without thinking, but it implied they would stay together for that long, and it was cute. lia was older than me, so she turned 17 soon, whereas I only just turned 16 a few weeks ago.

"it's almost her birthday, we should throw her a party," I suggested

"you just like partying I bet, no fucks about lia you just wanna get turnt," he laughed at me and I pushed him, almost making him slip off the seat.

"for real though, we should. her birthday is 2 days after kyes right? and his is in a few days,"

"next Saturday? if we want it big, more people will come on a Saturday"

"her birthday is the Friday, so yeah sure. hey.. do you like," I paused to think about my sentence "should I get kye a birthday present? what the hell do you buy a kye? anger management classes?"

aubrey laughed, "he wouldn't take the classes, he'd probably punch someone for suggesting he has anger problems," we joked.

"honestly, we don't really do presents. I like to surprise them with vacations and shit, but I never wrap up a present unless it's for a girl"

"thanks, let me just go book him a vacation with all the money I have from being a 16 year old" I said sarcastically to him. we were a couple, so I felt like I should get something but I didn't really have the funds.

"you being there is probably enough, he mentioned what he wants to do but I don't wanna ruin the surprise"

"what? he has something planned? is it a party? he didn't tell me about it.." was I invited?

"don't stress, all I'm gonna say is that he prolly just gonna take you, no one else. he said his favourite thing is being alone with you,"

"when is he saying all this, damn" I laughed. I never saw them alone for them to be having long conversations like this.

"we have a gang group chat, I'll add you to it since you squad now"

"no don't, I'll feel like I'm-" I looked down at my phone

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