11/ the forest p1

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the weather was still terrible all over europe and north america. I looked outside, and saw heavy droplets of rain hitting the window and flashes of lightning stunning my eyes.

I wanted kye. I wanted him to hold me again, and I'm sure he would accept the offer. however I couldn't bring myself to call him.

to my surprise, I didn't need to.


you okay? the weather is bad and I know you hate it like this

his messaged made me feel special. I typed back and set my phone on charge.

it was 4pm and I had been alone all day for the first time in forever, meaning I was left to drown in my own thoughts.

aubrey had a last minute studio appointment, lia was not allowed to come over and I hadn't contacted anyone else


i'm coming over

his message vibrated on my bedside table. I ignored it.

the doorbell rang half an hour later and there he was, leaning against the porch wall wearing black skinny jeans and a kanye west top, with a flannel shirt over.

he was so cool. I felt like I was out of place being his girl. he needed a model or someone insta-famous.

"baby giiiirl" he said, smiling and wrapping his long ass arms around me.

"you mind if I take a shower real quick? I was too lazy at home but now I feel kinda nasty," I agreed, as this would give me time to FaceTime my mum as she had requested.

I heard the water turn on upstairs, and pressed the call button on my mums number.

I decided I would say my goodbyes as soon as I heard the water turn off.

"you look really nice, very happy," she smiled at me, after 10 minutes of talking

"you look good too!" I said, but her facial expression changed.

"who's that?"

"who's what?" I laughed as she had probably heard someone outside.

"that..." she seemed to be looking behind me rather than at my face, so I quickly turned around

to my horror, kye was stood there only wearing a small towel - I shouted oh my god and clicked on the screen to end the call.

"what!?" he screamed at me

"I was face timing my mum, how do I explain you - like that - when I said I was home alone?" I wasn't mad at him, just worried.

he came and sat next to me on the sofa.

"it's okay baby girl, just like, say it was one of drakes friends-"

"she's not going to believe me. she's going to make me tell her, oh my god, she's going to kill me, she'll probably like report us or something"

"you're 16 and I'm 22, it's legal enough don't worry," he laughed at me

"your birthday is before mine, so it's like a 6 or 7 year age gap.. she won't see it like that - she'll see it as 10 and 17, or 23 and 30" I sighed.

"she can't do anything from england anyway," he tried to reassure me.

"but she's my mother, I can't just ruin our relationship and then return like nothing happened.. I just hope she forgets about it or something,"

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