7/ knowing eachother

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the next day, I awoke in the same way - but instead, drake decided to enter my room.

"you up- woah," he saw kye in my bed

"come down when you're ready I guess," he stared at us with a confused expression.

I dragged myself out of bed and brushed my hair, splashing cold water on my face

I told kye I was going downstairs, to which he responded with a murmur.

I entered the kitchen, and drake was sat on the counter drinking a glass of water

"you didn't..." he started talking

"no, he just said he wanted to stay over and got into my bed"

"did he ask if he could? or if you felt comfortable with it?"

"I mean, no, well I didn't really mind but I, I kinda feel awkward talking to you about this stuff but basically my thing with him is, I really liked him at first - and I still do! - but he's so protective of me and it's making me scared, I don't know what he wants from me,"

"why do you feel awkward talking to me about this? you can talk to me about whatever," he started

"but yeah, I've never seen him get like this. he's being disrespectful as usual, but he ain't letting you talk to no other boys... I won't speak to him unless you want me to, but I don't think I should interfere"

"no, no, you don't need to, I'm just ranting, I don't have any girls here to talk to" I laughed

"oh yeah, lia responding to your calls yet?"

I shook my head, taking the eggs out of the fridge.

kye walked into the room shirtless and seemingly very awake.

"my baby making me breakfast yeah," he grabbed my ass and laughed, walking into another room.

"you tryna play xbox?" he called out to drake, and I guess they ended up playing.

I heard loud voices walk through the door, and I expected it to be some boys I knew but they were unfamiliar to me

they walked past the kitchen and saw me, but drake called out and they joined him and kye.

I made my food, and made some extra,

but I decided I wasn't gonna bring it in to him, because who knows how drake feels about food being eaten all over his nice furniture.

I walked into the room they were in, and drake nor kye noticed me at first.

"aubrey, you got a new bitch or something? she looking good though" a white guy said, looking at me greedily.

"nah, that's kyes girl" he replied laughing

"uhh, I made you food.."

"I wanna eat your food, baby" another one of the guys shouted at me; who were they? usually drakes friends were so nice and respectful.

kye shook his head, laughing, and got up and held my hand.

"you iyt? sorry for their comments,"

"it's okay. nothing you wouldn't say to me," I responded coldly.

"why you upset though?"

"I'm not... and why aubrey introducing me as your girl? I'm not your girl"

"so other guys know they can't have you, I know you want me, stop being so cold and come slob me" he spoke with his mouth full.

"you are disgusting." I couldn't help but laugh though.

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