12/ the forest p2

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"just make sure you don't ever do it  with him, his body can take it and it has fucked him up already and I don't want to see that happen to you," leon told me. he was the responsible one and I could tell

"he would be stupid to allow you to do it, let alone do it with him" myles added

it was cold but my sweatshirt was in kyes backpack.

I saw a light in the distance coming from the direction we had arrived from

reese saw it also "are more people coming?" he asked


"a car just pulled up, I'll take that as a no. you got the strap?"

rio nodded.

"don't pull it out, you gonna scare her man, stop with that bullshit"

I looked up at myles. I didn't know what was happening.

"why people pullin' up here if they ain't wanna cause trouble?"

"someone just find kye, you know he'd be the one to start a fight"

jordan and rio got up and descended into the dark.

"what's going on?" I attempted to find out but myles shook his head.

it was silent and I was starting to hear voices coming from where the light had been.

"collect up the shit," everyone stood up and began packing away the alcohol and their belongings.

"you wanna go see what's up or ignore it?" myles asked leon, jordan and aiden. I clung onto his hand.

"ignore it, if something happens I'm ready though,"

"how many guns you got?" aiden looked around

"rio and myles have one, myles always got a goddamn gun" they laughed and carried on joking around, but the air was tense

then I saw it. a dark silhouette fairly close, and I rapidly tapped myles arm to get their attention, pointing at it.

"who's there?" leon shouted into the distance

it was silent for a few seconds "is there people here?" we could hear the voice of a man

"you said it would be clear," the person began to raise their voice.

"it usually is, I don't think they can hear us, come"

it became silent again until we heard the rustling of leaves as they got closer. I held onto myles, and I felt him reach into his pocket.

I was blinded as a flashlight shon in my face and I heard a scream.

"chill, shut up" reese shouted "get that shit out of my eyes,"

"who are you?" a guy with bloodshot eyes said to us

"don't be coming with that bull, about who are you" aiden mocked his voice

"this is our spot and you asking me who I am? just get your ugly ass out of here" aiden began to get angry, talking at the guy

"you don't own the place, fuck boy. take your gang bang somewhere else".

"excuse me? you don't know what you just got yourself into," aiden shouted and began to pull out a knife

thankfully, as it created a distraction, rio, kye, isiah and jordan appeared behind them.

"what's going on?"

the guy turned around and looked alarmed, realising him and his one friend were outnumbered by a mile

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