1 / dilemma

498 21 30


toronto, I thought - wow, and I guess we haven't been flying for long since toronto is literally so close to nyc. dammit

i wanted someone to come over and explain to me what would be happening, since while families panicked, at least they could panic together.

my eyes met with another minor who'd been led onto the plane with us earlier, who's name I didn't know and who's eyes were still red from crying

I smiled at her because she looked terrified.


we'd landed in Toronto, and even thought I should've felt scared, excitement rushed through me as the foreign country lay before us

all the regular passengers had left the plane, leaving the unaccompanied minors scattered around. there were 7 in total.

"come with me guys" the attendant told us, and therefore we followed her, exiting into our latest adventure which sent butterfly's flooding into my stomach

we all collected our luggage and were taken through customs - and led up to the point in which we'd usually be reunited with our families.

she let us sit in a cold, messy office as she rushed around in another room making phone calls and sounding overall, very panicked.

a girl with dark hair and light, black skin sat across from me. she wore a hoodie and leggings and I could hear her music from her headphones; j cole

I started singing along - causing everyone to look at me awkwardly while she laughed and smiled

i found out that her name was lia, and that she was 16, the same as me. we were the oldest, with a girl who had a snotty ass nose called zina being the youngest, she was 9.

"are you excited?" i asked lia to which she looked somewhat confused, and shook her head.



"you can follow me now," the same lady from earlier told us, and we all dragged our suit cases through the crowds

"usually," she lead us all to a seating area excluded from the rest, "we would arrange for another flight to be booked within the next few days, but given the circumstances that is not possible. we are now wondering what we will do with you all, and as a last resort are very informally asking if any of you know anyone in Toronto you may possibly be able to stay with?"

a few people spoke up and said they had distant cousins, but then realised they had literally no contact with them so that was useless

"drake" lia whispered at me

"daddy" I said back, making her laugh

"but seriously, drake"

"i fucking wish, how sick would that be"

"no, no I'm being deadly serious. I spoke to him over a Skype call last year because he dmd me on Twitter. but when he found out my age he quickly ended the conversation,"

the story was believable, lia had beautiful features - hazel eyes and structured cheekbones, brought together perfectly with her curly hair - i can see why drake would be interested.

"it's fucking far fetched, but I could try for a joke?" she said

"yeah, that would be so cool for you! id be so jealous" i replied, genuinely envious of her.

"shut up," she pushed my shoulder

"obviously I meant both of us!"

i screamed, grabbing the attention of many people around us. I'm sure they all hated me

"okay do it do it do it do it"

she pulled out her phone and connected to the Toronto Pearson wifi (actually a thing it's free for half an hour heads up !!)

she clicked his name, and I saw a glimpse of their conversation, which involved a lot of heart eye emojis on his behalf. this bitch.

"hey oh my god this is so awkward and weird but I have an emergency which involves me stuck in Toronto knowing no one who lives here and nowhere to go can I Skype call you ASAP?"

"does this seem too pushy?" she shoved her phone in my face

"no no, it's good" I felt butterflies in my stomach from excitement and astonishment, we just text actual fucking Aubrey graham


buzz ring buzz ring

lias annoying ass notification sound rang, and I expected it to be another whatsapp message from her friends - but the look in her eyes changed my mind

"oh my god" she said

"oh my god" I said back because I knew what had happened, drake freaking replied

"can we go to the washroom?" I asked the lady, she nodded.

we hurried off to the bathroom, basically pushing people out of the way and stood in the corner away from people washing their hands.

on the way, lia had explained to me that drake had replied "Anything to help B. Call me." which basically meant we had a chance of meeting him and sort of more importantly, having a place to stay.

we waited a few minutes for the people to clear from the room, and clicked the little call button on his Skype profile. it rang 6 times, to a point we didn't think he'd pick up, but when we saw the connecting message our eyes widened as his face loaded on the screen

"oh my god" lia whispered

drake smiled, asking what was going on. I was star struck and lia could not talk either, to which drake seemed to find amusing. she shoved the phone into my hands whispering 'speak to him'.

I, awkwardly, explained our situation and how I know lia and everything in between to him. when I was finished there was a big pause, and then he replied...



OMG I randomly turned this into a drake fanfic (as I was preparing the chapters in advance so obviously when I upload this i would've known LOL)

I like where it's going and the daddy thing is ME

drake might be like 22 in this idk I feel like that makes it slightly less weird for them to hang out idk I'll tell you next time I do an AN

!!! excited bout this

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