5/ unexpexted

205 12 21


it had been 2 days since lia left, and that goodbye had been one of the hardest I've ever had to do, which sounds ridiculous since we only just met

I talked to my mum everyday, and Aubrey had been busy so I had been alone frequently. although he said he has one more day in the studio and then he's free for a 'couple', and I wasn't sure if that meant days, weeks or months.

although he wasn't around much during the day, he sure still was a ladies man at night.

I constantly heard him bringing back groups of girls in the early hours, who were all breathtakingly beautiful even with their makeup smudged the next morning.

two girls on separate occasions literally asked if I was drakes daughter, do I look that young? or anything like him?

sometimes groups of guys would come over when drake wasn't even in, which was really scary at first, but usually one or two of the same guys would be there and I'm pretty sure they were drakes closest friends.

I wanted to explore. I liked travelling alone, so I decided to get out the house. I was wearing an oversized white tshirt that was more like a dress, and it said 'daddy' in baby pink letters, over the knee white socks and all white superstars, and a white 'woes' cap.

as I approached the door, it burst open and in came kye and leon with 2 girls who were all over them.

they recognised me and asked where I was going, to which I found out drake had said I should stay in the house since he didn't want me getting lost or into trouble.

"trouble? like what?" I said to them with attitude, but they weren't even looking at me and had gone back to their conversations with each other

one of the girls, who was a short white girl, with a ugly pink crop top that said 'yes, I'm a bitch' on it (LMAO), was giving me a dirty look.

"what are you looking at?" I raised my voice at her and she stepped forward, shouting nonsense in her whiny voice.

"yooooo" kye held her back and looked at me, annoyed

"i gotta go." she said, and the other girl followed her out.

when the door closed, they both started shouting at me for fucking up whatever they were doing. guess they wanted their dicks sucked.

"chill," I spoke up "they were ugly anyway."

they began laughing and I was glad
they weren't pissed anymore because they were intimidating, but also fine as hell

"you wanna chill with us though little one?"

it was silent for a minute and they both knew what I was going to say,

"who're you calling little one?"


they were both funny guys, and I had learnt leon was 24 and kye was 22. they had cool fashion sense too, kye was wearing black skinny jeans, a white OF tshirt and stan smiths, and leon had on grey jeans and a white shirt with a pink 6god baseball cap.

we were all being anti social and sitting on our phones, no one had spoken for around 10 minutes when I heard them laughing so I looked up, and they were looking at me.

kye was telling leon to shut up, and leon seemed to be dying with laughter and I heard them say "I'm gonna tell her", and "don't you dare"

"what are you laughing at?" I asked them, which made them stop laughing and for it to go silent

"kye likes being called daddy...." he paused for around 10 seconds

that wasn't the most awkward thing  to happen that day.

they were laughing at me because it said daddy on my tshirt, I guess

"....and he wants to fuck you"

that was the most awkward thing to happen.

I didn't speak for a while and I must've looked like an idiot because I had this confused look on my face

"sorry, what?"

kye was looking at me and if I were him, I would've been so embarrassed. I guess he has no shame, wasn't he the one who said lia was looking off fleek?

then, he got up and sat next to me. leon, at this point was confused too.

"can I take your number, little one?"

"how can you call me little one while asking for my number?"

the rest of that conversation was probably the second most awkward thing to happen, but I ended up giving him my number because he was kind of scary.

we spoke a lot over text that night, and he was really cool and didn't make it awkward between us. he ended up asking me out on a date, and that happened while I was sat with drake.

"hey," I spoke and he nodded at me

"how would you feel if I went on a date"

he looked alarmed, "with who? I bet they over 18. is it one of my boys? I bet it's kye. if it's kye you cant go, I love him but he disrespectful as fuck, I don't wanna see you disrespected"

I went silent and I guess he realised he was right

"I'll think about it."



that was lame af and I wrote the last part standing outside my fridge #relatable

I have rly cool people who comment and vote and stuff on this and that makes me happy I love comments so much

yeah this was a filler basically :D

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