3/ daddy af

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"oh my god" lia blurted, which probably amused drake but I couldn't even speak from shock and that was probably more embarrassing.

he stuck his hand out to me and then lia, to which we both shook it. he had a big smile on his face and kept laughing which made me uneasy.

I didn't really know what to do, it was honestly quite awkward - I led us all over to the flight attendant lady in charge of us and she looked extremely alarmed.

"hello," her eyebrows were knitted together "are you here to pick up lia and," she looked down through her papers to find my name "lola?"

he smiled at her, said yes and they began speaking about legal guardian shit.

an hour and 12 minutes later, they walked out of the small office which we had formerly sat near and seemed to be done.

we were passed the papers he'd signed and asked to sign our name and fill out health forms for Aubrey, just in case

I suddenly felt scared. as much as I assumed id trust drake, it was weird. I didn't even know the guy but yet I just handed myself over to him. it's like handing my guardianship over to a random person I've never met

I reassured myself, and decided it would be fine and that I'd have so much fun.

suddenly, lia was picking up her bag and shaking me slightly because id zoned out. she was saying something about us leaving, so I grabbed my pink backpack and looked for my suitcase - realising one of drakes bodyguards was already rolling it to the car. 

everyone watched us as we caused a scene walking out the airport with two body guards, which made me nervous.

we slipped into a big, grey car with a random man driving and drake in the front. the body guards rode in a separate one

no one was speaking, so I built up the courage to ask if I could charge my phone through the car, so drake took my phone and plugged it in, smiling at me.

we rode up to a house, a massive freaking house. it was about a 45 minute drive from the airport so I was so sleepy, and I began yawning as I stepped out of the car.

he led us up the stairs, talking about how strange this is and that no ones ever asked to be helped by him in this situation. he also mentioned he would love to take us around Toronto, which excited me

he opened the door to a big off- white room with a double bed and minimalistic furniture, with three doors surrounding - one to the closet, one to the balcony and the other to the bathroom.

"lola," he spoke "you can sleep here - or lia - I don't mind, y'all can decide between this and the other room" on that note, he lead us out to a room two doors away, which was pretty much the same thing just arranged differently.

"ill take the other room and you can have this one?" I asked her, and she nodded. we both made our way to the decided rooms with our luggage being brought by the guards.

drake followed me back, and I thought he would carry on past my room. however he walked in and began conversation.

"are you excited?" he asked

"I suppose so, more so now because I don't have to worry about where I'm gonna stay," I laughed awkwardly

"yeah. we gon have some fun" he smiled and walked out.


I opened my suit case and put about three things in the wardrobe before deciding I was too tired.

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