2 / life changing

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and then he replied,


is that it, i thought

"when do I pick you up?"


we sat, awaiting his next word because we weren't sure if he was about to burst out laughing and shout SEE YA FUCK YALL and end the call or pull out his dick... a truly amazing situation to be in.

"hello??" he spoke, because we hadn't responded

"are you joking?" lia blurted out, and he gave a chuckle and assured us it was fine - calling us 'beautiful ladies' he 'couldn't say no to'. cute.

the two of us made our way back to the airport lady and the others to tell them we had arrange someone to stay with and that he will pick us whenever we ask you.

this got a response we did not expect, which was a laugh from the attendant, "it's not that easy," she spoke

"you're our responsibility right now, and to pass that onto him will require him doing some paperwork to ensure he's a responsible adult who's able to care for you for the time needed"

I cringed thinking of drake being told he would need to fill out paperwork and thought about cancelling the whole thing all together, because I'm sure he doesn't have time to be dealing with this, with us.

I looked at lia as she told the lady she would call 'Aubrey' to inform him of this, and therefore that's what we did but this time while sitting in front of everyone, their eyes burning into ours.

"yoooo" his voice spoke, almost making me blush already - I was a mess.

lia, with the help of me when she couldn't control herself from squealing at the fact she was talking to drake, explained to him what he would need to do and that it was okay if he didn't have time to bother

however, he ensured us it's fine and found our insecurity and awkwardness about the situation amusing - I could literally hear the smirk in his voice. I'm gonna die.


it was 18 past 9 in the evening, we had been sitting waiting for something to happen for over 3 hours and were extremely bored but, had decided together that texting him again now would be so annoying, especially at this time

no one had any money to buy food, which became a problem when a spoiled ass looking 12 year old boy began complaining about his stomach hurting - and started crying, not helping anything

I looked at lias phone since it buzz buzz blinged and I hoped it would be something interesting

she was asleep, which also meant I had no one to talk to but I was too hyped to sleep, so I had no option but to sit and cry at how my phone ran out of charge

the message read Skype, which sent flutters into my stomach. her phone Skype settings were set so that the notification didn't show the message or the name of the person on the lock screen, and I didn't know her password. she must be a hoe on Skype and hiding it from her mum.

around 15 minutes later another Skype message blinged through her phone, causing her eyes to slowly widen and for her to wake up.

she looked down at her phone, wiping her eyes and typing in her password - 1738, cute

she gasped and her eyes widened as she began hitting my arm repeatedly and making strange noises - in that moment I knew it was drake. DRAKE TEXTED US FIRST.

"should I come get y'all now and do the shit I need to or nah?? where are you now?" was the first message, followed by three more question marks 15 minutes later.

she quickly typed the airport we were in, stressing the fact he didn't need to worry about them too much and that it was okay if he couldn't make it, to which he replied some winky faces.;);)

lord help me.


half an hour later he text again, sending even more flutters through our stomach. he asked which part of the airport we were at, and lia wrote near 'tim hortons' and closed the app.

I internally screamed at the fact we were about to meet drake. holy fuck. HOLY FUCK.

I started rapidly tapping lia and we were both about to hyperventilate with excitement. I was tapping my feet real quick to try and let out my emotions so I could keep calm before we met him, which was so unreal.

he replied a few minutes later, 'you've obviously never been to canada,' with that laugh cry emoji, 'which tim hortons??' I guess it's a big thing.

she told him it was the one near the escalators and he read and didn't reply.

it dawned on us that we probably looked like shit, so I pulled out my compact mirror and began running my fingers through my blonde hair and applying the small amount of makeup I brought, while lia contoured her whole face in like, 4 minutes. some expert ass shit.

I sat up straight and arched my back in my seat (hoe) and looked around casually, trying to spot him. I kept a small smile on my face while inside I was literally dying with excitement and disbelief this was happening; this is shit y'all read in books.


I felt a sharp shove in my side as lia pointed over to a group of tall men dressed in black surrounding someone and we both concentrated, wide eyed and focused. this could be him.

I watched them make their way closer and closer, walking painfully slow which felt like hours while in reality it was a matter of minutes

they stood right next to the Tim hortons which was across from us, and that's when I saw him.

his newly shaved hair could slightly be seen under his 'woes' cap. his black jeans and sweatshirt looked adorable and made him look so cuddly and cute, oh god how I wanted to be loved by him. I could feel some competition coming on from me and lia in the future.

lia was still watching too and I don't think either of us knew what to do, so I stood up, and began taking tiny steps over with lia behind me.

drake could be seen through the scary looking men now, making him approachable. I was about 2 feet away when he spotted us, staring for a second and then smiling, beginning to walk over.

my mouth was wide open and my breathing became uneasy

"hello ladies,"



tell ur friends and please vote I hate myself bye !!! the people who are voting on this are really cool like their profiles lmao lit

LMAO DID THE LAst part sound creepy idk is this moving too fast IDK but I didn't wanted to drag them being in the airport on for too long it was a bit borrrreee

IM LOVING THIS AND IVe written so much BC I write at least half a chapter every night omg I love it

you'll find out fully what she looks like soon IYTTTT

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