4/ even more change

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it was the next morning and I had just woken up, I checked my phone and it was 7:23am, so fucking early

my mum was relieved to know I was okay, and quite shocked for me to be with drake. I'm sure she was still worried; she's heard his lyrics, so I don't blame her.

I got up and brushed my hair and washed my face.

I walked downstairs, forgetting my way around his massive house

I assumed everyone would be up, because usually I wake up at literally midday. I was wrong, only drake was sitting in his living room - but not the same one as yesterday - as I approached.

"yoooo, you can't be wearing that shit around me," I looked down realising I had forgotten to bring a hoodie with me so I was just in my little pajamas.

I whispered sorry and looked down, because his tone of voice actually sounded stern so I thought he might be mad

"nah, wear what you want. but not if I bring my boys over" he looked at me and I nodded.

"hey, you alright? you're so quiet"

"oh yeah, sorry I'm just tired" I gave him a weak smile, and he pulled me down next to him on the sofa

"it's okay, imma look after you and you can FaceTime your family and shit, you'll see them soon" he attempted to comfort me

"if you're tired, take a nap. this sofa comfy as hell. J's bringing us breakfast, he wants to meet y'all." drake spoke as he walked out the room, so I didn't get a chance to ask who that is and why he wants to meet us.

I drifted to sleep on the sofa and awoke to the sound of boys shouting

I was scared at first, not sure what the loud noises were about but I heard laughing and realised Aubrey had his friends over in a room close by.

I attempted to walk upstairs quietly but I realised I'd been noticed, hearing a 'YO, come in here!' and turning my head the other way to see 6 guys watching me, through the open door to one of the rooms I had been told were off limits unless I was invited in there.

I awkwardly walked in, still wearing my little pajamas and I could feel eyes on me as I stared at the ground

I felt an arm round me and by the scent I knew who it was, "this is lola, she and her friend are staying with me for a bit, ay"

I guess they aren't into details, as they nodded and sat down on the big sofas, as I wondered why this room had been off limits.


I had been sat with them, trying not to look anti social for the past 20 minutes, I wanted to get up and change but I was sitting the furthest from the door, with a very pretty male named Leon, and I didn't want to walk with them all watching me.

suddenly a familiar face burst in and I almost screamed, "I have breakfast" he said, looking at his phone and not glancing up.

he walked out, to the kitchen I assumed, shouting "where the hoes at" making everyone laugh.

I freaked out realising j Cole just brought me breakfast.

everyone began to get up, so I slipped upstairs and got changed.

it took me 5 minutes because I guess they wondered where I was, I was wearing a black American apparel tennis skirt and a pink crop top, with Nike socks. so soft kawaii grunge. (im lame)

I padded into the kitchen, no one heard me walk in until I pulled out a chair at the breakfast bar and it scraped along the floor. they went silent and their heads span round as I waved.

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