10/ why?

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"I'm gonna miss you," I spoke to lia as she fixed her hair in the mirror.

"don't let us be apart for that long again" I told her.

"of course, and make sure you update me with everything kye related"

"and everything aubrey related from you" I laughed at her. she told me nothing had happened when they shared a bed - apart from cuddling, but she was obviously into him.

it was around 3pm and the boys had all left and gone home, I assumed.

I opened snapchat and clicked on marcos story, waiting for it to load...

he was surrounded by girls and some boys, and the place looked familiar. the off white furniture, wood flooring and distinct sculptures made me realise where he was, rios apartment

I clicked over the next few snaps of him dancing, until I got to one of him walking around with the back camera recording.

my worst nightmare sat on the sofa.

lia and I rewatched the story over and over, making sure it was actually him. kye sat there, with a girl on his lap, kissing her neck while she played with his hair

I didn't know if he was 'allowed' to do this. was he trying to hide it from me? who was the girl?

I was in a strange state of mind, and I decided to call marco.

it rang four times before he picked up.

"where are you? is kye there?"

he paused, "we're just at rios with a few friends. I think kye is here."

"he was on your story... with a girl"

"oh yeah, I don't know, ask him" I heard him laugh at the end and the sound of imans voice.

I heard whispering and a faint 'tell her to come over' and then marco repeating it to me.

"I mean, I guess I could" I heard laughing, and had no idea what was going on.

he hung up the call and lia got up, picking out clothes for me.

"you're going, and I'm coming too. I might need to beat kyes ass."

we quickly got ready and I was wearing a denim pinafore dress with an off the shoulder grey top, and lia was wearing her mom jeans with one of my crop tops.

we called an uber and were there in no time. I rang rios doorbell and he answered in a few seconds

"lola, what are you doing here," he looked shocked, and behind him I could see iman and marco laughing with some girls.

"marco said I should come,"

"I mean -" he turned around, I followed his gaze and saw kye, still with girls falling at his feet. "- you can come in, I guess" he looked nervous.

lia and I awkwardly walked in, and this was the first time I hadn't felt at home around these boys.

iman tapped marcos shoulder and they both looked at me, I didn't bother greeting them though

I made my way over to kye. his back was facing me, and I tapped his shoulder

"what-" his eyes went wide as he saw me "lola, babygirl, what you doing here" he smiled awkwardly, getting up and taking my hand. I didn't feel like talking in front of all these people, so he lead me into the bedroom.

"are you..." I didn't know what to say to him, so I paused

"am I what? talk to me," he became impatient "what are you doing here?" he snapped

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