8/ almost

164 11 47


ring ring ring

I heard my phone, and reached to the bedside table that I had placed it on.

I looked at the caller id: mum

this reminded me that I hadn't spoke to her in a while, so I got out of bed and answered her call.

"hey, mum" I spoke, expecting a million questions.

'where have you been? I've tried calling you?'

"sorry, I've just been busy. we went into downtown and explored it, it was great"

'who's we? but I'm glad you're having a good time. make sure he doesn't spend to much money on you, you're already staying at his home.'

"umm, me, drake, and his friends terrence, zack, rio and kye-"

"yeah?" kye shouted as he heard his name

'who was that? where are you?'

I mouthed be quiet to kye and carried on with the call.

'was that drake? can I speak to him?'

"uhh, no, that was his friend-"

'why're you with his friend so early in the morning? what's going on?'

I told her I was at drakes and his friend was visiting, but she didn't seem convinced.

'okay, well I've got to go, but I hope you're not doing anything with any boys... you haven't been there long.. don't rush into anything, especially not with an older boy'

"you know I'm not like that, nothing's going on"

she then said her goodbyes and hung up the call.

the words I had spoken rushed through my head, as I thought about how last night was the second one in a row I had spent with kye in my bed. we didn't do anything, but I still felt like she'd be disappointed in me.

kye slung his arm around me, "you iyt? who were you on the phone to?"

"my mum... she was asking me about everything, and, like, I had to lie to her, she kept pressing and making sure I wasn't doing anything with a boy, specifically an older boy and-"

"shhh, we ain't even doing anything,"

"but, you slept in my bed," I looked up at him, keeping in mind he was 6'5.

"I didn't realise that was a big deal, I share beds with people all the time" he winked at me

"I guess," I trailed off and he scooted in front of me

"we can easily change that though," he said, referring to his earlier statement about us not doing anything, or maybe about spending time in other people's beds, but I chose to ignore the latter.

he came up close to my face, causing him to have to bend down

"I know you wanna kiss me" I could feel his breath on my face.

suddenly I felt his lips on mine. he wrapped his arms round my waist and it lasted only a couple of seconds, due to leon.

"ohhh damn, shit just got serious" he laughed, walking in the room looking tired.

I pulled away from him and walked into the bathroom, embarrassed.

I looked a mess and I wondered why he even wanted to kiss me.

I ran my fingers through my hair and splashed water on my face.

the tshirt I was wearing didn't look that bad, as I often wore tshirts as normal outfits.

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