Handstand and leorai!!!

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(Continuing from last time)
Leo: *laying on the floor*
Raph: Should we help him?
Casey: no, he'll be fine
Computer: *ding*
Me: YES!!! More dares!!!
Everyone except me: *groans*
Me: whatever....yes @maddie_neon_lights dares Karai and Casey to do a handstand for 5 minutes! And theirs another one form her but, I will wait for Leo to wake up first! *evil smirk*
April: o-ok then....
Casey: Really 5 minutes!! *pouts*
Me: YES!!! Now wait here, I'll get Karai! *walks into the kitchen*
Mikey: uhh Rosie that's not Karai's room that's the kitchen!!??
Me: yeah, I know.
Everyone besides me: *confused*
Me: *walks out of the kitchen carrying somethings* *walks in Karai's room and to the edge of her bed*
Karai: *snores softly*
Me: *bang the 2 pans in my hand together* *BANG!! BANG!!! BANG!!*
Karai: AAAAHHHH!!!!! *falls of her bed again* *stands up* WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!
Me: what? That's how my parents wake me up in the morning.
Karai: I officially hate you right now!!!
Me: Your my best friend 2 Karai! ^-^
Karai: uhh, what do you want??
Me: you got another dare!!
Karai: Uhh, fine *walks out of my room with Rosie behind me with a stupid smile on her face* ok so what's the dare?
Casey: we both have to do a handstand for 5 minutes.
Karai: that's it?
Casey: yeah I guess so?
Karai: uh, ok then *does a handstand*
Casey: *does a handstand as well*
April: Start the timer!
Raph: ok
(4 minutes and 8 seconds later!)
Casey: Uhh I don't think I can do this anymore!!
Karai: it's not that hard, bonehead!
Me: 20 seconds left!!
Raph:15 seconds
Mikey: 10 seconds
Donnie: 5 seconds
April: Done!!!
Casey: *falls on the floor and hits his head* ow! FINALLY!! My arms are tired!
Karai: *wispers* big baby...
Me: what was that Karai?!
Karai: oh, um nothing. I'm going back to bed! *about to enter her room*
Me: Hold up their, princess! Stay here for a second!
Karai: uh, why!!
Leo: *slowly wakes up* Uhh, what happened?
Me: Good, Leo's awake!!
Leo: why? * scoots away from Me*
Me Come with me for a sec! *grabs Leo's arm and drags him to Donnie's lab and shuts the door*
Leo: I'm scared...
Me: relax I'm not going to hurt you, *mumbles* not now anyway.
Leo: what was that?
Me: oh nothing, but you got a dare from @maddie_neon_lights that says that you have to kiss Karai!!!
Leo: R-really!! *blushes*
Me: *nods* ok let's go so you can kiss Your girlfriend!!!
Leo: she's not my girlfriend!! *blushes harder*
Me: not yet anyway! *smirks*
Leo: *blushes* lets just go!! *pushes Rosie out of Donnie's lab*
Me: *goes over to raph, Mikey,Donnie,Casey, and April* Get your cameras out!! *winks*
Everyone except Karai and Leo: *Gets camera out*
Karai: ok Leo what's the -mmhh
Leo: *grabs Karai by her shirt and smashes their lips together before Karai could finish her sentence*
Karai: *stiffens then relaxes and puts her arms around Leo's neck*
Leo: *Kisses Karai passionately* *Kisses harder*
Karai: *kisses harder* *mones in the kiss*
Leo: *licks the bottom of Karai's lip asking for entrance*
Karai: *gladly gives Leo entrance*
Leo: *puts his tongue in Karai's mouth as they fight for dominance*
Karai: *mones more and more*
Me, Mikey, April: *Fangirls!!!!*
Me: plz ask a dare and comment!! *Fangirls hard and faints*
Raph: is she ok?
Donnie: *checks pulse* she's good!

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