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Me: *runs into lair a big mess* AAHHH!!!
Everyone but me: Rosie are you ok? Where have you been?
Me: I'm fine, but we got a lot of dare!!!
Raph: You look like a mess.
Me: Thanks for stating the obvious, bonehead!
Karai: Sensitive much, and also where have you been?! Is been like what a month, it feels like!
Me: Yeah, Yeah, I know it's just I super busy, with school and homework, my project on Leonardo Da Vinci, My middle school dance, my friend wanting to hang out, my dogs birthday was yesterday, and there's too many people in my house (7people, 3dogs, 2birds, and 1cat),My softball practice, and a bunch of other thing but who cares about that! Let's get on with the dares!
Leo: you did a project on me?
Me: No the Renaissance Artist you were named after!
Leo: oh...why me?
Me: Because I can! And all of the other topics bored me to death!
Karai: relax! Is it you time of the month!
Me: *blushes* NO!!! I'm just frustrated!!!
Karai: yeah, sure....
Me: shut up and let's just do the dares!
Karai: ok so what's the dares?
Me: *gets out computer and reads dare* ok let's start off with this one, from Loveandliveninja47 she dares Raph to go up to splinter and say, 'what's 9+10'
Raph: umm, ok? Master Splinter!!
MS: Yes my child?
Raph: What's 9+10?
MS: that would be, 19.?
Raph: nope!? It's 21!
MS: ? Ugh, teenagers. *walks out of room*
Me: well than the next one is from, Dragon_Slayer228 that says that Karai has to play the flute and give Leo the silent treatment for 2 chapters!
Karai: you just love to make my life harder, don't cha'
Me: yep, now play the flute!!!!
Karai: I don't know how to play it!!
Me: I don't give a care now play it!!!!!!
Karai: ok! Ok!!! *plays flute*
Mikey: MY EARS!!!
Karai: I don't know how to play this thing!!!!
Me: ok you can stop now, but you have to give Leo the silent treatment for 2 chapters!
Karai: Oh, no that gunna be hard!
Me: well how about we make this interesting!
Leo: How?
Me: if Karai give Leo the silent treatment for this chapter, in the next one Leo has to try to make Karai talk to him in some way, shape or form, and if Leo can do that then Karai has to do whatever Leo says for an in tire chapter, and same goes for if Leo fails! Deal?
Leo and Karai: Deal.
Me: ok next dare is from, Dragon_Slayer228 that says that Karai and Donnie have to act like baby's!
Karai: how are we supposed to do that?
Me: idk figure it out!
Karai: *wines*
Donnie: *wines*
Me: oh no!
Karai and Donnie: *wines louder*
Me: ok well well the next dare is from, NINJAWSOME that says that Mikey needs to make a baby potion for Leo!
Mikey: ok dudeett, on it! *runs into Donnies lab* *runs back with the potion* hey Rosie I finished! *trips*
*potion goes on Leo, April, and Karai*
Leo, Karai, April: *turn into babys* *crys*
Me: Oh no! This is bad! This is really really bad!!!
Donnie: I'll try and make an antidote! *runs to lab and drags Mikey with him* and your helping me!
Me: Ssshh! It's ok baby, Leo, Karai, and April! *picks up baby April and Karai*
Raph: *picks up Leo* now what?
Me: umm, idk? Maybe there hungry?
Baby Leo: *trying to get out of Raph's grasp to get to Karai*
Baby Karai: *trying to get out of Rosie's grasp to get to Leo*
Baby April: *trying to get out of Rosie's grasp to get to Donnie*
Me: wait a minute, Raph put Leo down.
Raph: why?
Me: just do it!? (Shia LaBeouf)
Raph: ok? *puts Leo on the ground and let him go*
Baby Leo: *craws toward me and try's to grab Karai's hand and can't get it*
Baby Karai: *try's to reach Leo's hand and can't get it*
Baby Leo and Karai: *crys* *wines*
Me: AAWW!! *puts Karai on the floor* there you go!
Baby Leo and Karai: *craws toward one another* *hugs one another*
Me: aww! That's so cute!! *sheds tear*
Baby Leo: *still hugs baby Karai, and kisses her cheek*
Me: aww! Wait! Where's April?
Raph: you had her!?
Me: no I didn't!!
Raph: yes you did!!
Me: no I didn't!!!
Raph: yes you did!!!
Me: yeah well, you scream like a girl!!
Raph: ????
Me: Baby April, where are you???
Raph: it's a baby it can't speak!!!
Me: *growls*
April: *walks out of lab a full teenager* hey guys!
Me: not now April were trying to find baby April!
April: ?????
Raph: um, genius, look in front of you!
Me: *looks in front of me* April your a teen again!
April: *giggles* yeah Donnie found the antidote!
Me: awesome!!
Donnie: *comes out of lab with the antidote* ok where's baby Leo and Karai?
Me: oh there right, there *turns around and points to Karai, sitting there by herself crying* wait where's Leo!!!!?
Raph: oh no!
Me: BABY LEO!!!!!!
Donnie: *gives Karai the antidote*
Karai: *grows back into a teenager* what is going on and where's Leo?
Raph: leo turned into a baby and we turned our back for a second and then we lost him....
Karai: *picks Raph up by his shell* YOU DID WHAT!!!!???
Me: we kinda lost him.... But he couldn't have gotten far right? Let's split up into teams and look for him!
Everyone: Ok!
~2 hours of searching later~
Raph: Where could he be!!?
Me: idk but we have been searching forever!?!!
Mikey: yeah and it's later maybe we should try again tomorrow?
Karai: NO! We are staying out her and searching for my baby boyfriend! And I don't care if it take a whole fricken year!! We are finding him!!!!
Everyone besides Karai: *steps back in fear of there lives*
?????: *crys loudly*
Me: wait do you guys here that?
????: *crys louder*
Karai: this way.
Everyone: *follows Karai*
Karai: *stops and sees a baby Leo crying holding his knee* Leo!! *runs to Leo and hugs him*
Me: Leo what happened to your knee?
Raph: I think I know?
Me: who
Raph: *hold up a foot symbol on the floor*
Karai: their dead next time I see them!
Donnie: *gives Leo the antidote*
Leo: *turns into a teenager* what happened?
Me: long story!
Mikey: yeah dude! Plz comment and dare! Bye!!!

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