Love potion! <3

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Computer: *ding*
Me: yay!! *reads dare* Donnie!!!!
Donnie: yeah
Me: You got a dare!!
Donnie: oh, boy. What is it?
Me: the dare is from NINJAWSOME and she says that you have to make a love potion for Karai and Leo and put it in there drinks without them knowing.
Donnie: okkk? But aren't they in love already?
Me: true but still.
Donnie: ok, I'll get to work!
Me: awesome!
~30 minutes later~
Donnie: I'm almost done just a few more chemicals.
Me: ok
(Leo and Karai btw Karai is still giving Leo the silent treatment)
Leo: ok so how do I make you talk....?
Karai: *says nothing*
Leo: *has an idea* hey, Karai can I tell you something?
Karai: *still says nothing*
Leo: I'll take that as a yes! Well Karai when we started dating, I made out with a girl that you haven't meet before.
Karai: You better be fu*king lying to me right now Hamato!!!'
Leo: Yay! I won!!
Karai: you won't be winning if that's true!!
Leo: it's not! I swear! Your the only girl I love, and will ever love!
Karai: good! And if I ever see anyone kiss you, *leans close to Leo* their dead! *smile*
Leo: same goes for you! *kisses Karai*
Karai: *kisses back*
Leo: I love you
Karai: I love you too!
(Donnies lab)
Donnie: I finished!
Me: awesome *grabs formula*
Donnie: so how are you going to get Karai and Leo to drink it?
Me: I'll think of something! *walks into living room to see Karai close to Leo* hey guys I'm gunna make some tea you want some?
Karai: *doesn't look away from Leo* yeah sure!
Leo: *doesn't look away from Karai* sure!
Me: ok I'll make some!
~after i made tea and poured the formula into their glasses~
Me: perfect! *walks into living room with the tea+formula* Leo, Karai? *doesn't see them* Karai? Leo? *walks into Karai's room to see Leo on top of Karai kissing her on bar neck* Am I interrupting something?
Leo and Karai: *blushes* no!
Leo: *gets off of Karai* what's up?
Me: well I finished the tea for you guys. *hands them a glass*
Karai: thanks! *takes glass*
Leo: thanks!! *takes glass*
Leo and Karai: *drinks tea*
Me: so how do you feel?
Leo and Karai: *stare into each other's eyes*
Me: Guys?
Leo and Karai: *still looks in each other's eyes*
Me: Donnie!!! *walls out of Karai's room and into Donnies lab* Donnie the love potion didn't work all their doing is looking in each other's eyes!!!
Donnie: Really? It should be working perfectly? *walks out of lab and to Karai's door*
Me: *follows Donnie*
(Leo and Karai)
Leo: *pushes Karai on the bed and climbs on top of her*
Karai: *falls on the bed* *grabs Leo's tail fins and smashes their lips together*
Leo: *shoves tongue into Karai's mouth* *slides hand underneath her shirt*
Karai: *raps legs around Leo*
Leo: *takes off Karai's shirt*
Karai: mm~~
(Me and Donnie)
Donnie: what's going on in there?
Me: let me see. *cracks open door a little* *sees what's going on in their* *slams door hard*
Donnie: what going on in their?
Me: Something I can never unsee, and I'm never opening this door again! O_0
Donnie: okkk? Plz comment and dare!!!

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