Space Heros, Fanfiction, and Apriltello!!!

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Me: *humming to music*
Computer: *ding*
Me: *too stupid to realize it😂*
Mikey: Rosie.....Rosie....ROSIE!!!! *gets annoyed* *fills up a water balloon and throws it at me*
Me: AAAHHH!!! What the heck, Mikey!!!
Mikey: Computer....
Me: Oh...😐 *walks over to computer and reads dare* This should be interesting! *smirks*
Mikey: What is it?
Me: DragonRider126 dares you guys to read fanfictions about yourselves!
Mikey: ok, Guys! We got another dare, and we need to read fanfictions about are selves!
*Everyone besides me and Mikey walk in the room*
Raph: Wait, we have to do what now?
Me: read fanfictions about yourselves! And some of them are really cool btw! ^-^
April: alright let's get started then.
Me: awesome!! *gives everyone a tablet with their own fanfictions in them.
(1 hour and 30 minutes later)
Me: so.... What do you guys think about them?
Leo: their really cool, I should read some more!
Karai: I like them!
Raph: Um, their ok I guess but I really like that fanfictions about me and Mona!
Casey: their pretty good.
April: their Amazing!!
Donnie: their so cool! *whispers* I really like the apriltello ones especially!
April: what was that Donnie?
Donnie: *blushes* oh nothing April.
Me: I heard that Donnie!
Donnie; *blushes more*
Me: *giggles* so what do you think about it Mikey?
Mikey: *stares at it like he has the whole entire universe in his hands*
Me: Uhh, Mikey?
Donnie: Mikey knows the word, electronic????
Raph: I guess so??
Me: so you really like it Mikey?
Mikey: I don't like it I LOVE it!!!!
Me: really me 2!!!
Mikey: can I
Me: of course Mikey!
Tv: *come all you spacies out their, and watch a brand new marithon of SPACE HERO'S!!!*
Leo: *runs to tv and eyes locked on the screen*
Computer: *ding*
Me: YAY! More dares!!
Raph: That show is for dorks and nerds fearless!
Leo: no way Space Hero's is an amazing show, you just can't appreciate the art of this amazing show and its meaning!!!
Me: *reads dare*oh!!
Raph: that show is so stupid, I will never watch it in a million years
Me: No way, has it been a million years already!!??
Raph: what are you talking about??
Me: Loveandliveninja47 says that everyone has to watch a Space Hero's marithon with Leo!!! And theirs another dare from her but, I'll just save that one till later! *smirks*
April: ok, than
Tv: * And now Space Hero's!!!!*
Leo: *locked on screen*
Raph: do I have to!!!!???
Me: YES!! No sit down and zip it hot head!!
Raph: *growls*
(4 hours of Space Hero's and Leo's millions of quotes later!=_=)
Leo: Uh, Raph, I hate to disappoint you but theirs 4 more episodes left......
Raph: YOU'VE GOT TO BE $&@#%*+ KIDDING ME!!!! (Family show.....I guess??)
(4 episodes later)
Raph: Is the torment over yet???
Me: Um, yeah I guess?
Leo: yes it's over but it wasn't torment!!!
Karai: I kinda like it!!
Leo: *blushes* R-Really????
Karai: Yeah, their was a lot of action, a couple of romance scenes, and some dram!
Leo: *more in love with Karai......if that's even possible!!*
Donnie: I'am going to bed now....
Me: Hold it, D.
Donnie: what?
Me: You've got a dare!!
Donnie: ok what is it?
Me: the dare is... *whispers in Donnies ear??* the dare is from, Loveandliveninja47 and it says that you have to kiss April!!!
Donnie: *blushes* I don't think I can
Me: *whispers still in Donnies ear??*
Don't worry just talk to April and I'll handle the rest!!!
Donnie: R-Really!!??
Me: Yes, now go talk to her!!!
Donnie: about what??
Me: complement her, ask her about her day, talk about your new discoveries in science, ect. Now go talk to her!!!
Donnie: *blushes walks up to April and starts a conversation with her*
Me: Mikey, Mikey!!
Mikey: yeah, Rosie?
Me: *whispers* i need your help with something *tells Mikey a plan*
Mikey: That's perfect!!!
Me: ok now let's put this plan in action!!!
Ok I am tired I will write this in another chapter, ok bye!!!

It continues

Me: *puts on slow music!!*
Me: ok we got a dare and we have to slow dance! And the partners are, April with Donnie and Leo with Karai!! And go!!
*its not really a dare* *winks*
Leo: *puts hands on Karai's hips*
Karai:*pits hands around Leo's neck and hold him close and sways back and forth*
April: *puts hands around Donnies neck*
Donnie: *blushes* *puts hands around Aprils hips and sways back and forth*
Me: ok Mikey let's go!! *walks over to April and Donnie* Um guys sorry to interrupt but the dare also says that you have to be nose to nose!
Donnie: but Leo and Karai are not nose to nose!!
Me: *points to Leo and Karai making out in the corner*
Donnie: p-point taken *blushes and looks in Aprils eyes*
April: *looks in Donnies eyes*
Me: *gives Mikey a thumbs up*
Mikey: *walks over to Donnie and April and knocks into the back of Donnies shell!*
Donnie: *kisses April* *blushes a deep red*
April: MMHhh--mmmm *kisses back*
Me: AWW!!!
Donnie: *kisses harder*
April: mmm~ *kisses back as hard as she can*
Me: AWW now that's adorable!! Comment and ask more dares!! PLZ!!!

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