Casey?!? O.O

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(2hours after the fight)
Me: wow Casey I never knew someone could get so hurt in just a few seconds!
Casey: iwuldofbeetenkim!
Me: what?
Donnie: Leo busted Caseys lip and he can't really talk.
Me: oh! Imagine if it wasn't hand to hand combat!
Raph: what are you talking about?
Me: what if they actually used there weapons!
Raph: well Leo is more skilled with his katakana then hand to hand!
Casey: *gulp*
Mikey: hey you guys wanna go out for pizza?
Everyone: yeah!
*leo and Karai walk in room*
Mikey: you guys wanna go out and get some pizza?
Leo: yeah!
Karai: yeah I want pizza but I don't wanna go out tonight....
Leo: oh, ok. But is Casey still here?
Me: *looks around the room* but he was just here?!
Raph: he probably went home and cried like a baby!
Me: *giggles* yeah probably!
Karai: so can I stay here and you can get me some leftovers?
Leo: yes anything for my girlfriend! But if Casey was here the you would've have to come with us.....
Karai: I know!
Me: come on Leo lets go!
Leo: coming! See you soon, sexy~
Karai: bye, Captain~
Leo: bye! *walks out of kitchen with everyone but Karai*
Karai: bye! *waves goodbye*
Casey: *in the shadows looking at Karai*
Computer: *ding*
Karai: *doesn't notice*
Casey: *sneaks to computer and reads dare* *smirks* *looks at Karai*
Karai: *makes coffee*
Casey: *grabs a syringe from Donnies desk* *sneaks behind Karai*
Karai: *doesn't notice*
Casey: *stabs the syringe in Karai's neck and knocks her unconscious*
(Casey drags Karai to a warehouse and locks themselves in)
Casey: *ties Karai to a chair* *smirks*
Karai: *starts to wake up* w-where am I?
Casey: hey sweet thing~
Karai: C-Casey? What's going on?
Casey: *walks towards Karai* Your mine~ *bites lip*
Karai: *gulp* W-what?
(With Leo and the guys) (walk into the lair)
Leo: *walks in lair* Karai! We're back!
*no answer*
Leo: Karai?
Me: is she here?
Leo: She might be sleeping? *walks in her room* *sees nothing* Karai! *screams*
Me: Leo relax! What's wrong?
Leo: where's Karai??! *shakes me violently*
Me: Chill!! She probably went for a walk?!
Raph: Umm, Guys? Are you sure Casey wasn't here?
Me: Yeah!?
Raph: well I just checked you computer and Casey got a dare from, NINJAWSOME and she dares Casey to drug Karai and take her to a warehouse and do whatever he wants with her....
Leo: what!!? If I ever get my hands on Casey I am going to kill him!! *runs out of the lair to the surface*
Everyone else: *runs out of the lair with Leo*
Leo: what warehouse would they be at?!
Me: probably the one near the docks!
Leo: *runs towards the docks*
Everyone: *follows Leo*
(Casey and Karai)
Casey: *kisses Karai's neck*
Karai: *struggles to get free* STOP!!
Casey: make me! *bites on Karai's neck*
Karai: OWw!!
(Leo and the rest)
Leo: *stops at the warehouse full of rage* *juggles the doorknob* locked!!
Me: we could probably use a window or-----
Leo: *breaks down the door*
Me: DAM!
(Casey and Karai)
Casey: *kisses Karai's lips*
Karai: *doesn't kiss back*
Casey: *opens Karai's mouth and shoves his tongue in her mouth*
Karai: *gags* *starts to cry*
Leo: *walks in the room and sees Casey kissing Karai* *heart breaks* *run to Casey and tackles him*
Karai: *breaths* LEO!!
Leo: *Starts to strangle Casey*
Casey: *cant breathe* *punches Leo*
Leo: *steps back and comes full force, and hits Caseys face causing him to go through the wall*
Casey: *falls hard to the ground*
Leo: *takes out his katanas*
Casey: *stands up and starts to run*
Leo: * catches Casey and cuts Casey on the side of his face, side of his stomach, cuts deeply in his arm*
(In the warehouse)
Everyone besides Leo and Casey: *walks in room*
Karai: Guys!!
Me: Karai! *runs to Karai and untied the rope around her*
Karai: thanks! *runs out of the building with everyone and goes to Leo and Casey*
Leo: *about to stab Casey in his heart*
Everyone besides Karai: *stops Leo from doing the final blow, and hold him back*
Karai: *grabs Leo's cheeks* Leo, baby, it's ok! I'm ok! Relax! *inches from Leo's face*
Leo: K-Karai!
Everyone but Leo and Karai: *let go of Leo*
Leo: *hugs Karai and starts to cry*
Karai: *hugs back tightly* I love you!
Leo: *looks up from hug* I love you too! *kisses Karai deeply and passionately*
Karai: *kisses back passionately*
Leo: *breaks the kiss* *leans forehead on Karai's*
Raph: Soo, what are we gunna do about Casey?
Donnie: well Leo hurt him badly! We should probably get him to the lab!?
Me: ok
(We take Casey back to the lair and Donnie checks his vitals)
Donnie: *walks out of lab* well Leo you took quite a beating on Casey!?
Me: what do you mean?
Donnie: Casey has two broken ribs, fractured hip, and if he want to eat he hasn't to get it through a tube and he has damaged vocal cords!
Karai: Whoa!
Leo: *holds Karai protectively* he deserves worse!
Karai: yeah he kinda does, an I'm so happy my captain saved me! I love you baby!
Leo: I love you more! *whispers* sexy~
Karai: *giggle* *kisses Leo*
Leo: *kisses back*
Mikey: comment and dare!
Me: bye!
Ok this was a vet weird chapter for me to write..... I kinda felt weird writing this... Anyway, bye!!  

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