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Ok this a quick drawing of Leo I made (didn't finish...) do you have any more dares, and if you do please tell Me!!! And also this has nothing to do with dares but.... This was a drawing from one of my study guides and one of my friends saw it (they didn't know I LOVE LOVE LOVE TMNT) they took my paper and said "what's this?" And I was having like a mini panic session in my mind, and I took the paper and I said, "oh it's nothing!" I blushed and walked away. And she's one of my friends who if they don't like something they will laugh at you.....so yeah.... And also today in gym class I got hit in the face TWICE!!!! And earlier in the week I went roller skating with my friends and my knees look like crap and I also fell of them in gym class and all around school and plus I have a bottom locker, Like What the Heck!!! (Btw I am the tallest girl in my class and I am kinda fat) and this month I am like on everyone's hit list!!😡 thank you for listening to my stupid problems....anyway that was my day.......hope yours was better!😊 and Please tell me if you have more dares!!! Love you!!!😍

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