Freezing lake

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(Before we start, I absolutely love this drawing!! It's amazing!!)

Computer: *ding*
Raph: Rosie.... Dares!
Me: what?
Raph: D-A-R-E-S!!
Me: Yay! *runs to computer and looks at dare* OMG-osh!! *laugh*
Raph: what's the dare?
Me: get the guys! *still laughing*
Raph:Get them yourself!
Me: *whispers*jerk!
Raph: what was that?
Me:oh, nothing!
Raph: right..... *rolls eyes*
Me: whatever, GUYS GET IN HERE! *shouts*
Everyone but Raph and me: *walks in*
Karai: what?
Raph: dares
Donnie: Uhhh!
Leo: exactly!
Mikey: what's the dare, dudet?
Me: @ninjawsome dares Shredder to jump in a freezing cold lake!
Raph: um if you haven't noticed were not Shredder! And we don't like him!
Karai: yeah, how are we going to get him to jump in a freezing cold lake?
Me: Simple! I got a plan!
Leo: and that plan would be?
Me: Donnie do you know any lakes near Shredders lair?
Donnie: Umm, yeah..?
Me: good and do you have any way to make it freezing cold?
Donnie: Yeah.
Me: Good now here's the plan! *whispers the plan to everyone*
~~~~time skip (after we got everything ready)~~~~
Me: ok now let's put this plan to action! Karai your up first!
Karai: Ugh! Fine! *sneaks into shredders lair* *stands in front of Shredder*
Shredder: My Daughter! Welcome Home! Restrain her! *footbots attack her*
Karai: *doges there attack*
Leo: *hides in the shadows, getting worried*
Karai: If you want me Shredder! *grabs throwing star* You gotta come get me! *throws the throwing star at shredder*
Shredder: *doges* You will be mine my daughter!
Karai: IAM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER! You idiot!!! *runs out of Shredders lair*
Shredder: *follows after Karai*
Leo: *follows Shredder, keeping a distance*
Karai: *runs towards the lake* you'll never catch me!!
Shredder: *runs faster after Karai*
*starts to get mad*
Karai: *stops in front of the lake and moves to the side*
Shredder: *stops in front of lake*
Leo, Raph, Me, Mikey, Donnie: *pushes Shredder in the cold lake*
Shredder: *falls in lake* WHAT!!??
Everyone besides Shredder: *burst out laughing*
Shredder: y-you w-w-will p-p-pay f-f--for t-this!! *shivers*
Leo: um, guys we should probably go, before Splinter knows we're gone.
Mikey: aww, but we were having fun! *pouts*
Karai: Leo's right Mikey we should probably go home!
Raph: ohh!! Looks like someone siding with her new boyfriend!
Karai and Leo: *blush*
Leo: let's just go home!
Raph: fine...
Everyone: *walks home*
Mikey: but that was so awesome, what we did to Shredder!
Me: yeah it was!
Splinter: and what exactly did you do to Shredder?
Leo: SENSEI!!! We were umm.....
Splinter: *raises eyebrow*
Me: *whispers* ok so were dead, plz comment and dare!

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