Is this the end of us?

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(Continuing from last time)
*Karai and Leo left the room*
Computer: *ding*
Me: YAS! More dares! *read dares*
OMG!! YES!!! Leo!! Karai!! In here now!! *trying to hold in a laugh*
Leo and Karai: *comes back in room out of breath from kissing earlier* what?
Me: you got a dare from DragonRider126 THANK You this is the best dare! Is dares you guys to play a prank on splinter and say that Karai is pregnant and that Leo is the father!!
Leo and Karai: *stares at each other* this is not going to end well!
Me: and you got to make it believable!
Leo: well see you guys when I'm six feet under ground! *try's to leave with hands in the air basically saying 'I'am dead'*
Karai: oh boy is is gunna be bad! *walks to dojo with Leo to tell splinter the fake news*
Leo: umm master Splinter?
Splinter: yes my son?
Karai: c-can we talk to you?
Splinter: of course my daughter?
Leo and Karai: *sit down in front of Splinter*
Leo: w-well we would like to tell you some news....
Splinter: and this news would be? *raises eyebrow*
Karai: u-umm I'm p-pregnant with l-Leo's child.... *ducking head lower*
Leo: *try's to hide head in she'll expecting Splinter to kill him*
Splinter: *eyes widen* EXCUSE Me!
Uhh.. Karai would you please leave me to speak with Leonardo!!
Karai: umm- well--
Splinter: NOW!
Karai: *runs out of room as fast as she can and try's to get to Rosie*
Me: so how did it go?
Karai: oh um Splinter is going to kill my boyfriend...
Me: that bad..
Karai: yep and I'm next..
(It Leo and Splinter)
Splinter: I am highly disappointed in you Leonardo, especially getting my daughter pregnant at such a young age! You should have been more responsible!! *looks at Leo*
Leo: umm master Splinter... I might as well tell you that me and Karai are girlfriend and boyfriend... *hides his head so far in his shell you can only see his eyes know that he's dead*
Splinter: I would expect Raph doing something like this but you is unbelievable! First of all you could have ask me if for my blessings to be my daughters boyfriend and secondly you got my daughter pregnant at such a young age I would understand if you got her pregnant AFTER marriage Not Before! Miwa! Dojo now!
Karai: *run as fast as she can and sits in front of Splinter and looks at Leo cowering in fear but I am still happy my boyfriend is alive... Well at least for now*
Splinter: Miwa, tell me the truth... Are you Leonardo's girlfriend?
Karai: *how the shell does he know about it yet?* umm.. Y-yes..
Splinter: *growls* and if you are pregnant with Leonardo's child might I ask when did this happen?
Leo: umm master Splinter can I --
Splinter: *looks at Leo like he's going to kill him*
Leo: *shuts the shell up*
Karai: umm..
Me: *sees Leo and Karai's predicament and runs into dojo* Master Splinter, karai is not pregnant, it was a dare..
Splinter: what?
Me: Karai and Leo got a dare to tell you that Karai is pregnant with Leo's child!!
Splinter: so Miwa is not pregnant?
Me: yes!
Splinter: ok...were they also dared to tell me that their boyfriend and girlfriend?
Me: umm... Well no.. That one is true...
Splinter: Rosie please leave me with Miwa and Leonardo.
Me: *runs out of dojo*
Splinter: I am still highly disappointed in you Leonardo for not asking me for my blessings to date my daughter!
Leo: I know sensei....but is it ok for us to be boyfriend and girlfriend? *starts to get scared for the answer*
Karai: *holds Leo hand seeing Leo's scared for the answer*
Splinter: Leonardo? Will you protect my daughter, even at the cost of your own life?
Leo: Of course!! *pleading*
Splinter: and will you love my daughter with all your heart? And respect my wishes until after marriage?
Leo: Yes! Yes! *pleading*
Splinter: then you have my blessings to DATE my daughter. You both may leave now!
Leo and Karai: *run out of dojo holding hands and as soon as the shut the door the hug in a tight embrace*
Leo: *hugs as tight as the can around Karai's waist not letting go*
Karai: *hugs back as hard as she can* *brakes the hug and starts to kiss Leo*
Leo: *kisses back passionately*
Karai: *kisses as hard as she can*
Leo: *brakes away for a breath* I love you so much Karai!
Karai: I love you so much too Leonardo!! *kisses Leo passionately*
Leo: *kisses back passionately*
Karai: *one tear falls from her face as she kisses Leo*
Leo: *wipes away tear and holds her face not wanting to ever brake away their kiss*
Me: *around the corner* Aww their such a cute couple!! Ask more dares plz!

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