Kiss on the cheek! <3

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(Continuing from silent treatment...hug)
Me: *watches Karai and Leo be adorable*
Computer: *ding*
Me: yay more dares!! *goes to computer and reads dare* Leo's gunna like this one! *walks in Karai's room* hey guys sorry to interrupt this adorable moment but you got a dare!
Karai: what's the dare? *still has forehead against Leo's*
Me: the dare is from, maddie_neon_lights and she dares, Leo to kiss Karai's cheek for the entire chapter without stopping!
Leo: wait, the cheek or the lips?
Me: *looks at dare again* it says cheek.
Leo: oh, I would like to kiss her on the lips for the rest of the chapter but I guess the cheek would do for now!
Karai: *giggles*
Leo: *kisses Karai's cheek*
Me: ok now you have to do that without stopping! Good luck!
Karai: ok, but I don't think it will be that hard!
Me: Yeah, you say that now!
Karai: wait how does eat?
Me: how am I supposed to know? But he can't stop until the chapter is over?
Leo: *still kissing Karai's cheek*
Karai: ok.
~2hours later in the kitchen~
Leo and Karai: *walk in kitchen*
Raph: umm what is Leo doing to Karai?
Mikey: is Leo eating Karai again??
Donnie: what do you mean again?
Me: wait when was Leo eating Karai?
Karai: Leo wasn't eating me!!
Mikey: then what was Leo doing?
Leo: *blushing* *kissing Karai's cheek*
Raph: Well.....?
Karai: ......nothing........*blushes*
Me: Right......
Karai: shut up! *sits on chair*
Leo: *still kissing Karai's cheek* *pulls a chair next to Karai and sits down*
Donnie: So why is Leo kissing Karai's cheek?
Me: it's a dare!
Donnie: oh.
Karai: *giggles*
Everyone but Leo and Karai: ????
Karai: *giggles*
Me: *blushes* what's going on over there?
Karai: *giggle* nothing *blushes*
Me: oookkkk?
Leo: *blushes* *still kisses Karai's cheek* *raps hand around Karai's hip* *puts hand up her shirt and rubs her hip*
Me: anyway, plz comment and dare!
Karai: so the chapter is over?
Me: yeah.
Leo: *stop kissing Karai's cheek* good! *grabs her cheek and kisses her*
Karai: *kisses back*
Leo: *pulls back* I've been waiting to do that all day long!!
Me: *giggles*comment and dare plz!!

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