Silent treatment.....hug?

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(I am doing a history project and mines about Leonardo da Vinci and I drew this in my book, lol!)

Mikey: Hey do you guys want a pizza?
Me: YAS! Plz!
Mikey: awesome! I'll order one! *picks up phone and calls a pizza place*
Me: kk!
Computer: *ding* *ding*
Me: YAY dares! *runs to computer and reads dares* No way!
Mikey: What?
Me: KARAI!!! *Screams*
Karai:What! What! What!? *walks in room*
Me: you've got a dare from an awesome friend, maddie_neon_lights that says that you have to give Leo the silent treatment!
Karai: oh, that's gunna be hard!
Me: oh come on it can't be that hard.
Karai: no it's not but he will probably think he did something wrong...
Me: ok, and?
Karai: I don't want him to feel bad even though he didn't do anything wrong!
Me: oh......its a dare and you got to do it! Or I will make you!
Karai: and how exactly are you going to do that?
Me: *grabs duck tape and pulls it out*
Karai: Oh! O_O
Leo: *walks in room* Hey Rosie, hey sweetie! *raps arms around Karai's waist*
Karai: Rosie this is going to be harder then I thought.
Me: Yep!
Leo: what's going to be harder then you thought?
Karai: *trying so hard not to talk*
Leo: Karai? Are you ok baby?
Karai: *looks away from Leo*
Leo: did I do something wrong?
Computer: *ding*
Me: dares! *runs to computer and reads dare* ok......?
Karai: what's the dare Rosie?
Me: RAPH!!!!! *screams*
Raph: What the shell do you want??!!
Me: dare!
Raph: Ugh! *reads dare* What? Why do I have to do that?
Me: it a dare you gotta do it! *holds in a laugh*
Raph: fine.... *walks over to Karai* *hugs her*
Karai: *doesn't hug back* what are you doing?
Raph: *blushes* I like you as a friend...... *lets go of Karai and walks out of the room*
Me: *on the floor laughing* Omg-osh, Karai your face!!!
Leo: (😡 Leo face) What was that?
Me: ooo! Over Protecting much Leo!
Karai: what was the dare?
Me: if it wasn't obvious enough, maddie_neon_lights dared Raph to hug Karai and say, I like you as a friend.
Karai: why?
Me: I don't know, I don't make the dares I just read them....just ask maddie_neon_lights
Karai: -_-
Leo: ok? Now Karai can you please talk to me?
Karai: *walks out of room and goes in her room*
Leo: Why the shell won't she talk to me?
Me: I don't know Leo way don't you ask her?
Leo: how can I ask her if she won't talk to me?
Me: I don't know genius? What did you do wrong that would make her mad?
Leo: *thinks* umm? I can't really think of anything?
Me: are you for real right now? Every guy make a mistake in the relationship and doesn't even know it till the girl says it!
Leo: umm? How do you know that?
Me: it a thing called the internet Leo you should try it sometime!
Leo: I thought you were going to say from experience but that works two.
Me: just go talk to Karai
Leo: ok *walks into Karai's room* Can we talk?
Karai: *looks away from leo*
Leo: I'll take that as a yes. *sits next to Karai on the bed* ok so what did I do wrong that made you give me the silent treatment?
Karai: *covers her mouth* *trying not to talk*
Leo: I know how to make you talk! *smirks* *pins Karai to her bed and starts to tickle her*
Karai: *laugh* l-Leo!
Leo: yay now your talking to me! *still tickles Karai and starts to smile*
Karai: L......Leo! .....stop!! *continues to laugh*
Leo: not until you tell me why you gave me the silent treatment!! *tickles her feet*
Karai: Leo!!!.....*giggles* it....was...a dare!!
Leo: a what I couldn't here you?*tickles her stomach*
Karai: Leo! *laugh* a.....dare
Leo: oh! So your not not mad at me? *giggles* *stops tickling*
Karai: *pants* no? Why would I ever *pants* be mad at you?
Leo: I don't know? So you definitely not mad at me?
Karai: why would I ever be mad at the guy who I fell in love with!?
Leo: aww! *grabs her cheek* *passionately kisses her*
Karai: *kisses back* *pulls away* I love you!
Leo: I love you two! *presses foreheads together*
Me: *in the door way* aww so cute! They are definitely going to get married someday and have babies! Comment and dare plz! Bye!!

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