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OK I know I suck because I haven't wrote a chapter in like forever!

But like seriously, I can't keep track of your dares and so if you guys want the chapters to come out more in this story I NEED your help majorly!

So if you have a dare for me, and if I have not done you dare (or missed it) PLEASE!!!! PLEASE!!! put it in the comments below.

*I will only be doing the ones in the comments below, and if you put the dare in another story that I have not done yet I will not put them in the next chapter!

*I might not be able to fit all of them in one chapter so I might make them into 2

*And for a dare I will Never do a boyxboy or a girlxgirl because it's against my religion

*If you have any questions feel free to ask me!

Also I need to thank you guys SO SO SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!
because this story got 1.77k read!!!
Thank you!!!

Shout outs:






Thank you guys for all the support!! Even from the very beginning! You guys are amazing Friends! 💙💞👍🏼

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