Im BACK!!!~ *grins evily*

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(2 hours later)

Anyway I'm back *smiles* *gets up from floor*
Me: Did you guys miss me!?
Everyone: *Skeletons*
Me: Ohhhhh sh- ......... was I gone for that long!??!! ...... probably?
Me: Alright well ~LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS!!~ *summons Renet*
Renet: Wait where am I now!?
Me: the turtles lair....
Renet: COOL! But... how did I get here?
Me: Author powers.
Renet: what that?
Me: something that you couldn't understand.....
Renet: I'm pretty sure I can understand it I can travel through time and space!
Me: I know but, I cant even understand it with my own mind so how can I even explain it to you?!
Renet: ...... good point. So why did you summoned me?
Me: *points to the turtles skeletons*
Me: I didn't feed them daily and give them water......
Renet: okay.....?
Me: you see I need these people alive so I can do dares... otherwise I'm bored at home with nothing to do with my life...
Renet: okay your weird....
Me: yes....
Me: make the turtles and there friends alive again.....
Renet: okay *does what I said*
Turtles and friends: *alive again*
Renet: *backs away slowly from me and teleports back home*
Me: HI GUYS!!!
Mikey: *runs up and bear hugs me* YOUR BACK!!! *crys*
Me: *suffocating*
Raph: Let her go Mikey or your going to kill her!
Mikey: *lets go*
Me: *falls on floor* *BREATHS*
Raph: Soo where have you been?
Me: Ha ha ha.... ummm, school drama, anxiety, boyfriend, family crap, my grandma that I've looked up to all my life died from brain cancer, and.... that's about it I think so nothing too important. :)
Raph: that's sad
Me: No that's just depression radiating off of me! :)
Raph: *confusion* that's not normal
Me: Did you just assume my personality?! I'm offended!
Raph: ?? Okay
Me: now I'm really, really, really, really behind schedule with these dares, so let's get started! *pulls out scroll and starts walking*
Mikey: Whatcha doing?
Me: hold on *runs around lair so it can unravel* Done! Now let's start from the beginning. First dare here is from Mamaliga14
she dares Karai to wear a wedding dress! Awe how sweet! Make sure Leo doesn't see it's bad luck.
Leo: but we're not getting married?
Me: not yet *winks both eyes*
Karai: where am I supposed to find a wedding dress?
Me: idk I'm only 15 go ask April she might know
April: there's one by my house that I can take you too!
Me: Well. Bye bye then! *pushes both out of the lair* Next!
Me: Ummm....? Oh @Tmnt2456 dares Donnie to make an invention to take control of mutant minds then mind control Leo and Raph to do and intense tango! OLAY!👏🏼 and then have Mikey lick master splinters face!
Donnie: so kinda like the one that stockman gave Karai?
Me: yes......? Yes..! Oh but before you start on that Donnie! glxtch dares you to speak a different language for the WHOLE chapter *evil grin*
Donnie: *sigh* parle français OK? •is French okay•
Me: ..... French....?
Donnie: Sí
Me: That's Spanish!
Donnie: de sa inte ett visst språk nu gjorde de? •they didn't say a specific language now did they?•
Me: What?!
Donnie: Svenska •Swedish•
Me: just make the thingy
Donnie: Slutten •fine• (btw that was Norwegian)
Me: Next! bluelights300 dares Leo to sing classic by mtko. Nice song choice👌🏼
Leo: oh I've heard of that
Me: well start singing *throws mic*
Leo: *hits his face* ow!
Me: whoops! Now just sing! *hits record for karais entertainment*
Leo: 🎶 Ooh girl you're shining
Like a 5th avenue diamond
And they don't make you like they used to
You're never going out of style
Ooh pretty baby
This world might have gone crazy
The way you saved me,
Who could blame me
When I just wanna make you smile
I wanna thrill you like Michael
I wanna kiss you like Prince
Let's get it on like Marvin Gaye
Like Hathaway write a song for you like this
You're over my head
I'm out of my mind
Thinking I was born in the wrong time
One of a kind, living in a world gone plastic
Baby you're so classic
Baby you're so classic
Baby you,
Baby you're so classic
Four dozen of roses
Anything for you to notice
All the way to serenade you
Doing it Sinatra style
Ima pick you up in a Cadillac
Like a gentleman bringin' glamor back
Keep it real to real in the way I feel
I could walk you down the aisle
I wanna thrill you like Michael
I wanna kiss you like Prince
Let's get it on like Marvin Gaye
Like Hathaway write a song for you like this
You're over my head
I'm out of my mind
Thinking I was born in the wrong time
Let's start the rewind, everything is so throwback age (I kinda like it like it)
Out of my league
Old school chic
Like a movie star
From the silver screen
One of a kind living in a world gone plastic
Baby you're so classic
Baby you're so classic
Baby you're so classic🎶
Me: Hold it! I don't want to make this 2 chapters so I'm going to cut you off right there! Also noice singing karai is going to love it. *ears bleeding on the inside* *whispers* where's the bleach for my eyeball and ears?
Leo: thanks!
Me: and bluelights300 gave me 2 more! She asked Mikey and Raph to do a trick competition!
Mikey: what kind of tricks?
Me: idk it doesn't say
Raph: so what should we do
Me: hmmm. Eating competition, fighting without weapons and..... girly dress up competition *grins*
Raph: Oh no I do not do girly!
Mikey: I do! So then I'll win!
Raph: Oh your on!
Me: Round One: Eating competition. On one side we have Mikey, and on the other we have Raph! Place your bets now!
Leo: why do we need to make bets?
Me: because I don't have a job and I need money.
Leo: oh
Me: well Raph and Mikey there will be 3. Categories to this competition the first is category is abnormal *presents to dishes*
Raph: so what's is it?
Me: *opens lid* DOG FOOD!
Raph: What I'm not eating that!
Me: begin!
Mikey: *starts eating in handfuls*
Raph: *looks over in disgust* you can do this Raph *gets a spoonful and eats it*
Me: how is it Raph?
Raph: * vomits*
Me: oh so it's that good?
Mikey: Done!
Me: Mikey wins round One! Next is round 2 category is healthy!
Mikey: healthy?
Raph: Mikey hasn't eaten anything healthy in his life.
Me: *opens lid* Vegetables! Ew
Mikey: ew
Raph: oh I'll win this one
Me: ready set Go!
Raph: *eats handfuls at a time*
Mikey: *shoves handful in his mouth* *BARF*
Me: same Mikey same
Raph: Done!
Me: Raph wins round Two! Next is round 3 category..... Pizza! But there's a twist.
Mikey: it doesn't matter it's pizza so I'll win!
Me: really? How do you two feel about * opens lid* Pineapple pizza! READY... SET.... EAT!
Mikey and Raph: *eats handfuls at a time*
Me: this is close but it looks like Mikey is two pizzas ahead of Raph! Oh that reminds me Leo can you get Donnie for me!
Leo: sure *leaves room* *comes back with Donnie*
Donnie: Hola
Me: well bluelights300 asks how would you feel if April and Casey started dating? Btw she also says that she doesn't like Casey and I agree, thank you!
Donnie: Jeg ville være glad for, at april ville være lykkelig, men hvis hun ikke var, ville jeg gøre casey brænde til en bunke af aske •i would be happy for the fact that april would be happy but if she wasn't i would make casey burn to a pile of ashes• (Danish)
Me: idk what that means but okay.
Mikey: Done!
Raph: DONE!
Mikey: YES!
Me: Next competition is fighting without weapons!
Mikey: oh boy.
Raph: *grabs Mikey by his shell and drags him to the dojo*
Mikey: *stands up*
Me: whoever taps out loses, ready.. set... FIGHT FOR MY ENTERTAINMENT!
Raph: *tackles Mikey and pins him*
Mikey: *stuck*
Me: no it will be too short then *sees nunchucks* *throws nunchucks at Raph head*
Raph: ow! *lets go of Mikey*
Mikey: *tackles Raph* AHHHHH
Master Splinter: that wasn't fair
Me: are all fights fair master splinter?
Master splinter: remember that next time you lose *leaves*
Me: HEY!
Mikey: UNCLE! Uncle!!
Me: aw I didn't see it... do it again!
Mikey: NO!
Me: okay okay, Raph wins the second competition, now for the third competition, who's the prettier cross dresser!
Raph: nope I forfeit
Me: fine!
Mikey: I'm ready!

 do it again!Mikey: NO!Me: okay okay, Raph wins the second competition, now for the third competition, who's the prettier cross dresser!Raph: nope I forfeitMe: fine!Mikey: I'm ready! Mikey:

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Man I look sexy
Me: Mikey... Raph forfeited
Mikey: oh... oh well
Me: is that my dress?
Mikey: ...... maybe....
Me: you look better in it then I do! *jealous* okay then next dare from @rpwriters223 they dare the turtles to run around in there underwear screaming pizza!!
Turtles: *put on underwear* *starts running*
Mikey, Leo, Raph: PIZZA!!!! PIZZA!!!!! PIZZA!!!!!
Donnie: PISA PIZZA!!!! PISA PIZZA!!!! PISA PIZZA!!!! (Samoan)
Me: So Donnie did you finish the invention
Donnie: Sí *does science thing*
Karai and April: *walk in the lair*
Raph and Leo:

Me: Well isn't that sexy *slowly claps*
Splinter: yes Mikey?
Mikey: *licks Splinter face*
Splinter: *kicks Mikey into the wall* teenagers *walks away*
Me: so Karai let us see your dress!!

Me: Well isn't that sexy *slowly claps*Mikey: MASTER SPLINTER!! Splinter: yes Mikey?Mikey: *licks Splinter face*Splinter: *kicks Mikey into the wall* teenagers *walks away*Me: so Karai let us see your dress!!Karai:

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Me:Awee so pretty!!!
Leo: *faints*
Me:Welp I'm done for now I'll see y'all soon! Bye for now! *falls back into my depression pit*

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