Flirting? And leorai!

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(Idk if this counts as flirting but....yeah?? And I don't know how to flirt so.. Plz don't judge me to much)
Me: *doing boring homework* Uhh, why do I have to do this!!! This is never going to help me in the real world!!! *shoves books off desk* Nope!
Computer: *ding*
Me: Finally something that is not boring!! *runs to computer and reads dare* is Leo good at doing that?
Leo: Good at doing what, Rosie? *walks in room*
Me: umm you got a dare from maddie_neon_lights that says that you have to flirt with Karai a.k.a your GIRLFRIEND!!
Leo: *blushes* Oh
Me: do don't even know how to flirt do you?
Leo: Kinda?
Me: What do you mean kinda? It's a yes or no!
Leo: well um no not really....
Me: Oh this should be good!!!
Leo: Shut up!!
Me: fine but you still have to flirt with your new girlfriend!!
Leo: *about to leave to talk to Karai but stops* Wait a minute! I never told you that Karai said yes to being my girlfriend!!?
Me: OH!! *#busted!* um.. Well... *pushes Leo out the door* Just go flirt with your girlfriend and I won't tell the guys that your terrible at flirting!
Leo: but that doesn't answer my quest--
Me: Oh hey Karai, Leo wants to talk to you! Ok bye! *walks out the room* that was too close!
Karai: oh hey Captain! What's up?
Leo: umm.... Ummm...
Karai: Are you ok Leo?
Leo: Uhh why do you have to be sooo hot!
Karai: umm thanks I guess! *giggles*
Leo: can I please just kiss you right now?
Karai: Yes, but first (let me take a selfie!! Jk Jk) do you know your supposed to flirt with me and not to make you feel bad but your not that good at it.
Leo: yeah... I know. *blushes*
Karai: but you can be really adorable, like when you blush!
Leo: *blush*
Karai: see, so adorable!! *cups Leo's cheek*
Leo: *puts hands around Karai's waist* and your so hot!
Karai: *puts hands around Leo's neck* *presses foreheads together*
Leo: can we please just kiss already!!?
Karai: *giggles* maybe... It's your choice.... You can either flirt with me, or Rosie will make you.. So what's your choice?
Leo: Is their a third opinion?
Karai: *giggles* no but maybe if you flirt with me... I might let you kiss me because calling me hot is flattering and all but... I want you to call me something other than hot~
Leo: *blushes* *smirks* well would you like me to call you sexy from time to time?~
Karai: *nods yes*
Leo: now can I kiss you.. sexy?~
Karai: please~
Leo: *leans in and kisses Karai*
Karai: *smiles and kisses Leo back*
Leo: *licks the bottom of Karai's lips asking for entrance*
Karai: *gives Leo entrance*
Leo: *shoves tounge in Karai's mouth*
Karai: *fights Leo's tounge for dominance*
Leo: *seems to be losing dominance as one hand travels down to Karai butt, and starts to squeeze it*
Karai: mmm~~*starts to lose dominance and slides hand up his mask*
Leo: mm~ *wins dominance and is satisfied* *still continues to kiss Karai*
Karai: *kisses Leo hard*
Leo: *kisses back harder and pushes Karai up against the wall*
Karai: Mhh-mm~ *kisses more passionately*
Leo: *kisses more passionately as well* *lift Karai up into the air and her legs rap around Leo*
Karai: *slides hand under the top of his belt* *kisses more roughly*
Leo: *kisses more roughly for a while* *starts to lead kiss down to Karai's neck and try's to find her sweet spot again*
Karai: ohh~~ *rap hands around his neck to keep him close and pulls off his mask and throws it on the ground*
Leo: *travels farther down her neck and find her sweet spot*
Karai: OHH~ Leonardo~
Leo: *kisses harder and starts to bite it softly*
Karai: Leonardo~.....captain~ *moans really loud*
(Outside the room)
Me: what the heck is that sound? *starts to walk toward the room the sound is coming from*
(In the room Leo and karai are in)
after she said captain it got Leo all excited!
Leo: *pushes her harder against the wall and slides hand up her shirt while the other holds her up*
Karai: Leonardo, baby~
(The room I was in)
Me: *walks closer to the sound and found the door it's coming from* *try's to open the door but it won't work* hey Donnie?
Donnie: yeah Rosie?
Me: do you have a key to this door I must have locked it?
Donnie: *hands me a key* just give it back to me when your done.
Me: ok thanks, D.
Donnie: *walks away*
Me: *hears the word baby?* what is going on in their? *unlocks the door and opens it* *sees what Leo and Karai are doing* *fangirl squeals*
Leo and karai: *sees me and let go of each each other* *blushes*
Me: AWW!!
Karai: well um me and Leo need to go.. Bye! *grabs Leo's wrist and runs out of the room with him*
Me: AW!! That's adorable! Plz comment and ask more dares!

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