Another Day. (Harry Potter FanFic)

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  • Dedicated to For all my friends who've supported all my writing, love you guys! <3

Disclaimer: I do not own anything of the Harry Potter world, Plot line, characters or anything which might be owned by JK Rowlings, I own the character of Eliza-March Roux only.

A/N This is my second book on WattPad and I love all the Harry Potter FanFic's and I've finally throught about writting one of the own, so here it is Another Day.

Another Day, a Harry Potter FanFic by Caseye.


“I killed Sirius Black!” A chilling laugh echoed through the mansion. As the laughing echoed through the room it landed on the ears of a young woman whom was just entering the large gothic home. Her long dark waves tumbled down her back, her cold emotionless eyes surrounded with heavy dark make-up and a smile that could kill.

She walked up to the woman, whom most the wizarding world feared greater then death itself, her name was Bellatrix Lestrange. Bellatrix, with her wild curly black mane, turned on her heel. Her crooked insane smile turned quickly into a state of disbelief. Her eyes widened as she bowed her head, with waves of greasy hair falling with it.

The woman, whom wasn’t Bellatrix, pitied the poor woman who was bowing to her. She had seemed once beautiful but in time had become sour, bitter as well as hideous.

Bellatrix looked up to the woman who was gracing her presents. The woman sent Bellatrix a rare smile, her smile widened to show her teeth which where glistering and canines which extended into sharp, deadly fangs. Bellatrix gasped as she saw the fangs upon the woman.

The woman laughed at Bellatrix’s shock. “Don’t treat dear child, I am only a creature of the dark as you are.” Bellatrix’s mouths turned into a dark smirk, but stopped herself doing so. Emotion was a weakness and weaknesses weren’t aloud. The fanged woman nodded at Bellatrix as it was okay to smile, Bellatrix burst out into a large smile which she hasn’t don’t since her wedding night. 

“Are you here to see the Dark Lord, ma’am?” Bellatrix asked weakly, to be in such a woman’s presents was an honour.

The woman nodded and took Bellatrix’s hand into hers. “I am here to see Tom Riddle, as well as to meet the woman herself. Bellatrix Lestrange.” She winked to Bellatrix and leaned into her ear to whisper something. “You killed Sirius Black eh? Very good indeed.” Bellatrix nodded and gasped as the woman complimented her.

The front doors of the mansion flew open to reveal the Dark Lord himself. He walked in this many death eaters in tow; this included the Malfoy family with Draco their son and heir. The Dark Lords feet, bare and padding across the marble floor.

“Ah, Bellatrix. Of whom do we have here?” Tom Riddles, voice had turned sour and bitter in the years he has became a dark wizard.

Bellatrix opens her mouth to introduce the woman who is still grasping her hand. The woman raises her other hand to silence Bellatrix and walks forward, dropping Bellatrix’s hand, to gain a better view of the dark lord and his army.

Everyone gasps as the see the face of the woman. Her face cold and stone set seemed never aging. Her black wavy hair was neither too curly nor too straight. She smiled at the looks on all the death eaters faces and even made the cold emotionless dark lord look amazed. Her smile widened when she saw she had shocked he-whom-must-not-be-name., her fangs poking out of her red blood lips stained still from her last kill. 

“I am guessing from the looks upon your faces you know of whom I am. But for those who lack in education,”- she pointed her gaze to the Crabbe and Goyle families- “I am Eliza-March Roux, the vampire. Who has come to join your side for the war, My lord.”

The Dark Lord, smiled, he hadn’t smiled since he was a young child. A very young one at that. He clapped and walked towards Eliza-March. “It seems as if we have a new family member to welcome, the last vampire herself.” As he reached Eliza he opened his arms and gave her an awkward hug.

Eliza laughed and hugged him back. She was dreading the next few years she would have to pretend to be a death eater but she had to do it. She had to do it for her family. Her Hogwarts family, but never the less her family.

‘Remus bloody well owes me big time.’ She chuckled to herself as she was passed around to be greeted to each and every death eater.

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