Chapter Twenty three; Tri-Wizard Torment.

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DISCLAIMER; I do not own Harry Potter!!

Chapter Twenty three; Tri-wizard torment.

Eliza's P.O.V

The journey to Hogwarts castle isn't as long as the one to kings cross station as I can use my vampire speed freely. As I past many students exiting the train many take a double take on me, some relize its me others not. I hurry to the castle as I want to be there sitting at the head/ staff table before all the students arrive.

I quickly enter the great hall to see all the teachers sitting in the same places last year. On the end of the table stood two lonely chairs, my old one as well as Remus'. I head to my old chair which is to the left of Hagrid, whom seems a little cheerier now he knows his Hippogriff is safe.

I dump my bag under my chair and cross my legs whilst on the chair. Albus catches my eye and nods, which I do the same. Hagrid gasps as he sees I'm suddenly next to him. He places his overly large hand on his chest.

"You 'cared me 'hen!" He laughs out.

I pat his arm. "Sorry Hagrid. But over the summer I've got used of using my speed so it's kinda hard not to!" I giggle placing a hand over my mouth.

He shakes his head in a playful manner. "That’s alrigh' 'Liza." He turns to start talking to Flickwick again leaving me to my own devices.

Students slowly enter the great hall, many with old friends in tow. Many of the students I taught last year over the summer had matured and got better looking, well most of them not including Malfoy's fat friends.

I got my handbag out of under the table and found a book to read, The Other Boleyn Girl. It makes me laugh about how wrong the story is with the life in Tudor England, I should know as I lived throughout the Tudor era. The story makes Anne Boleyn sound like a hag but in real life she was lovely, plus she never wanted to marry Henry she just wanted a normal marriage to a man who loved her. Yes we did gossip and stay friends throughout her life, well until she was beheaded.

I had got to the fifth chapter by the time the first years were ready to be sorted. I waited and watched the sorting to wait for Jessica to be called.

"June, Jessica."

I gave Jessica thumbs up as she went to the stool, she blushed. Many of the students raised their eyebrows at me giving her the thumbs up.

The hat was placed on her head and after a few moments it called out. "HUFFLEPUFF!" See I said she'll be in Hufflepuff. She grinned at me and walked to the Hufflepuff table that engulfed her into hugs and greetings.

After the last first year was sorted Albus clapped his hands together and told the school about the Tri-Wizard torment. The hall was quickly filled with the chatter of students wanting glory and such. But before Dumbledore could carry on explaining about the torment and such a horrid storm over came the roof.

Someone entered the hall from behind the staff table and sent a spell to the roof, which turned into a starry night again. The person came into view and the hall erupted into chatter again. I turned to look at the persons face to see it was 'Mad eye moody'. I've never met the guy but Sophie had and said he was a genius but an utter nutter.

Dumbledore introduced Mad-eye as the new DADA teacher, I preferred Remus. He sat next to me and looked me up and down. I turned my head to him and raised my eye brow as if to say 'really?' As Dumbledore and Barty Crouch was telling the school about the age limit this year the whole school shouted stuff such as 'It's not fair' and 'rubbish'. These were mainly coming from the Weasley twins which I could only agree with. So what if you could die in the torment? What a few years of extra knowledge gonna help you unless your a good wizard to start with?

"That's retarded." I say and cross my arms.

Mad-eye speaks to me with his gruff and odd voice. "How is it 'retarded' its saving life’s of students."

I shake my head. "Well if I wanted to enter it, I wouldn't be able as the age line detects your human years not your immortal years. Therefore I'm sixteen/seventeen in human years so I'll most likely not be able to do it for myself."

Mad-eye nods and takes a drink from his flask. His head shakes quickly and stops.

Dumbledore starts to introduce both of the schools which would be staying in Hogwarts for this year. "Beauxbaton’s, with the head mistress Madame Maxime."

A set of Veela's enter the hall doing an 'enchanting dance' which mad all the males dribble and girls glare at them. I fought against rolling my eyes; at the end of the dance a load of butterflies appear from the girls, all the girls continuing to glare and guys to stare at the girls bottoms.

I look over to the Gryffindor table to see a very pissed off Hermione and dribbling Ronald. I sigh; Hermione catches my eyes and rolls hers. I roll mine back to her, she has to cover her mouth to stop from giggling.

After the girls had taken their places at the RavenClaw table, much to other houses girls’ enjoyment and guy’s disappointment. As if most guys had a chance. Well maybe Cedric but he had eyes for that Cho Chang girl.

Dumbledore clapped his hands together to get everyone’s attention again and introduced Drumstrang. This time girls could dribble over the new students and the guys glare at them. Once they had finished their rather camp fire dance everyone started to talk again as Viktor Krum entered the room. Ron gasped and said something in a very squeaky voice about it, typical fan boy.

I rolled my eyes and returned to my book only to look up when Dumbledore said my name, something about being a guest judge. I stood up quickly smiled and waved. Many students which weren't from Hogwarts gasped as they saw me. Many asking others in the table they were seated at if I was 'THE Eliza March Roux'.

Well this is going to be an interesting year and yet another annoying one. Sigh.  

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