Chapter Two; Albus, long time no see!

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Disclaimer; I own nothing of Harry Potter!

Chapter Two; Albus, long time no see!

Eliza's P.O.V

As I enter the great hall of Hogwarts I am flooded with memories. I might be a vampire but that doesn't mean I've never went to school. You see I look about sixteen/ seventeen, so to keep a low profile from other wizards, so they didn't relise who I was or what, I would come back to Hogwarts every thirty years. Normally I came back as a student, but this time I just wanted to visit this old place. For some reason in the old walls it felt like something big and bad was going to happen.

I shake the bad feeling off; I hate it when I get bad vibes. I just wanted to get on with my life, keep to myself and don't get into anyone else’s lives.

I look around the great hall. It seemed the same as the last time I had come here. It had to be twenty or thirty years, I never keep track what's the point if you’re going to live forever? The four tables were in the same places, well everything was. Even some of the teachers.

As I walked in only one person noticed me, Albus Dumbledore. I had known him as a child, lovely boy. He catches my eyes and winks at me. You see I and good old Al know each other very well, I'm even his godmother. I was the first person he told about his crush while he was at Hogwarts, I must say I felt honored.

I look at the Gryffindor table, last time I was here I was in Hufflepuff but I've been placed in each house at least twice, there was a young girl about thirteen ranting at the boys about their table manners. I laughed to myself and walked towards the young girl.  

I placed my hand on her shoulder; I stare down at her as she gasps.

Oh, she must know who I am. You see I'm the last vampire and I'm in a lot text books and if you read older ones in the back of the library you'll find ones with pictures of me dating from the Greek times, shall I say TOGA party.

"Don't worry dear; boys never; learn how to eat properly. Trust me I've been long enough to know this." My voice showed some of my French roots, I spent a lot of my time in France as they are very welcoming to my kind no matter how many you've killed.

As I speak my presents is made known to the whole hall, many gasped and others whispered. The young girl smiles neverously at me, what a normal response. I open my mind to see what her and her friends are thinking.

~Oimygod, a real vampire and Eliza-March Roux herself! ~ The girl whom I was still staring at, whose name is Hermione Granger as well as Gryffindor smarty pants.

~Bloody hell, check her out~ thought a pair of twins sitting beside, no way. Harry Potter himself, it wasn't his scar what gave him away but his eyes. Lily's eyes, you see I knew Lily when she was a small child but I’ll get back to that later on.

Someone cleared their throat to the left of me. I was welcomed by a pair of blue eyes staring at me through a pair of half moon glasses. I took my hand from Hermione's shoulder and threw myself at Albus in a giant bear hug.

"Ah, Al you've grown!" I say as if was a small child getting a bag of sweets.

"Why yes Eliza, I was only fifteen when you last saw me." He says as releases me from his arms. I gasp; I haven't seen him in that long. Jesus I'm a crap godmother.

"Oh sweet baby Jesus, I'm such an awful godmother. I'll make it up to you! I'll buy you that new broom stick the nimbus 1941 or whatever it was!" Al laughed as I said this as the whole hall was just staring openly at us.

Al chuckles and adds. "That was when I was twelve and I know how time flies for you." He adds a wink at the last statement. You see back when I was made godmother for Al only his family and a few others knew about vampires and such.

"Its okay Al, everyone knows about vampires now. Especially because of that bloody Edward Cullen muggle movie." I roll my eyes at the end. Really a sparkly vampire? Jesus he's more of a fairy then a 'creature of the night'.

Most the hall had bust out in laughter, well everyone extect the Slytherin. But of course they wouldn't watch a muggle film as they are 'proud purebloods' total bull, their just big headed twats. As you can tell I've never got on with the Slithering even when I was one I'd always hang about with the other houses, much to my own dismay.

"So Eliza what brings you here?" Al took me out of my daydream; I turn to look at him just to catch a stray thought from someone in Slytherin.

~A vampire? Well I think my Father should be hearing about that Dumbledork is letting anyone in the castle these days. First the messy, blood traitor teac-~

I stop listening to his thoughts, turn and send him a glare. He flinched. It was no other then Draco Malfoy, Lucius' son. Let's just say me and Lucius don't get on would be an understatement.

"Al if it's okay I'd like to stay here for a while and 'bond with the school' again." I smile at Al, he nods as he understands. You see 'bond with the school' means I'm in deep shit with the ministry for killing someone, I'm a vampire I've got to eat, or having just a small tiny rant with one of the upper class workers there.

"Of course dear, you can stay if you help with classes and such." Bloody typical, I basically teach Albus all my tricks in the book and just to stay at his house I've got to flipping work.

I sigh. "Okay,"- and I add in a whisper so only I and Al hear it-" you owe me."

He nods and smiles. "Come on then to the head table."

He walks off and I follow. Well this is gonna be interesting...

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