Chapter Twelve; Waking up...

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  • Dedicated to To everyone reading this, you keep me going :)

A/N; I do not own HP!

Just saying thankyou for all reading this, for those who have been with me snice the beginning and those reading now. This story has 450 plus views it makes me so happy people are reading this! So if you want maybe a character of yours of you to feature in this story send me a message and I'll see if I can fit you in! So please carry on reading, enjoy and tell your friends about this story! :)

Chapter Twelve; Waking up...

Eliza's P.O.V

Holy chicken balls my head hurts.

Its worse then the summer of '78 when I went to America to go see a friend of mine in collage. Lets just say collage parties are one hell of a bash, if you haven't got a hang over you have to try harder the next night.

I sniff a little as I sit upright; the place smells old and dusty. Someone could really try and hover a little.

If this is heaven I'm sorely disappointed.

I open my eyes to be welcomed by an bedroom covered in Gryffindor flags and scarves, okay I never remember having a bedroom like this. I look at the bedside table to find a picture of four boys at Hogwarts.

I really don't remember having a picture of three boys and Sirius in my bedroom.

Wait Sirius?

I look at the picture again to see the young man in the middle had longish black shaggy hair, grey stormy eyes and lips to die for. That had to be Sirius or my names Johno, and it isn't.

"That was the last ever photo taken of us at Hogwarts."

I look up to see Sirius, he had changed into a suit and combed his god awful hair. Don't get me wrong I do love Sirius' hair but it really needed a cut, I do mean REALLY.

Wait, aren't I dead. If Sirius is here he must be...

"Sirius, why are you dead? Jesus, I'm gonna find that person who killed you and put them in their place! They'll never want to step out of their house after I've haunted them!" I shout in a extremely loud voice.

Sirius sits on my bedside and takes my hand, he starts rubbing circles into it. He shushes me. "I'm not dead and nor are you." He says calmly.

Wait, I'm not dead? How many times have I escaped bloody death?

"So, how that much werewolf poison should've killed me..." I wander aloud.

"Well, I kinda saved you..." Sirius says in a hushed tone.

How did he save me?

"Sirius please tell me that you haven't made a deal with the devil. That never turns out well..."

Sirius laughs and shakes his head, his hair swaying as he does so. "No, no. I gave you my blood."

I gasp. "What, like actually from you..."

My face must've been in a horrified expression.

"Yeah." Sirius, now looking a little bit worried, lifted his arm up to show the bandage on his wrist.

"Are you okay?" I ask him worried. I crawl on my knees to sit next to him, I take his arm and start to unwrap it.

"Yeah, didn't hurt much."

As I unwrap his wrist his cut seems days old. How long have I been out?

"Four days, I found you about three days ago." Sirius says.

I pull the rest of the bandage off, he flinches as I catch a little of his cut as I pulled it off. The wound doesn't look like as if a vampire had bitten it, it seemed as if a animal had mauled it. I gasp and feel a tear running down my cheek.

How could I have done this to him?

A thumb wipes the tear on my cheek away. I look up to see Sirius looking down at me, concern written all over his face.

I place my free hand on his cheek. "I'm so sorry  I did this to you, I never wished to hurt you."

Sirius' eyes filled with emotion. "It's okay, I'd do anything for you."

I nod and set my gaze upon his wrist again. Without looking up I ask, "Sirius do you trust me?"

"Yes." He says barely above a whisper.

I take my hand from his face and bring it to my mouth. With vampire speed, so Sirius doesn't see what I'm doing, I bite on my own wrist and place it bleeding above his.

Sirius realizes what I'm doing and draws his arm back. He mustn't have listened in vampire 101, vampire blood can change and heal humans. Or wizards in this case.

A few drops of my blood land on his wrist and his cut starts to puff out smoke. His wound started to heal, Sirius saw this and stopped trying to move his wrist away from my bleeding one.

When his wrist had finally finished healing I took mine back to my own and licked my wound clean.

I looked up to see Sirius looking at me opened mouthed. "I guess you didn't listen much in vampire 101 in DADA."

Sirius looked guilty, I raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I didn't. It was all Remus' fault he had this crush on this girl..."

I raised my hand up to stop him. "Well I'm gonna give you a crash course in vampire 101."

He nods.

"Well, feeding habits. We can't eat human food, we drink blood. Our blood has healing styles because normally when we had finish with our prey we would've feed them our blood to heal them and bring them back. But as you have just seen if we use a little and the human isn't dead the blood can heal little injuries. E.g. a broken arm cut etc etc. But we normally don't feed from humans as if we feed from them and don't kill them or bring them back as vampires a bond is formed. This bond interlinks both the humans and vampire souls together..."

Oh wait, didn't I feed from Sirius? And I didn't kill him or change him...

"Shit." Sirius says in a whisper.

"Well hello bond mate..." I say to him and hug him.

Well it's already done what’s they point flipping out about it.

Jesus I'm in it deep now.

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