Chapter Sixteen; Sophie, the fairy?!

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A/N; sorry I haven't updated in a while but thankyou all for supporting my book as I looked one day to see 790ish views and to long again and see 900! I have to say that made my day, anyhow its on about 950 so lets see if I can hit 1,000! :) Sophie, this chapters for you, you know who you are!

DISCLAIMER; I shall say again I do not own HP!!

Chapter Sixteen; Sophie, the fairy?!

Eliza’s P.O.V

I sat in my store till about six then I started to lose the will to live. When Remus left no one else entered the shop, so I ended up playing angry birds. Let’s just say me and angry birds don’t mix, so it ended up with me throwing my ipod at the wall. In doing that I don’t have a working ipod but I do have many ipod pieces…

As I was cleaning up the pieces of ipod off the floor with a dust pan and brush a ‘ding’ was sounded by the door, thank god! Some one has come to bring me from the world of boredom! I quickly, vampire speed, clean up the ipod and appear at my desk.

I see the ‘golden trio’ standing at the door, the boys jump as I suddenly appear there Hermione doesn’t as she’s used to it by now. Hermione smiles and opens her arms out for a hug, I hug her and go to hug the boys.

“Hey guys, nice summer?” I ask as we finished our hugging greetings.

“Great, me and my parents have caught up.” Hermione says, I look at Ron to hear his answer.

“Alright, expect maybe George and Fred pranking me every four seconds.” He grumbles.

“Ron, they have let there anger out in other ways then wanking…” Hermione looks at me in horror, Ron and Harry bust out laughing. “Hermione, its part of a teenage boys life. Eat, wank and have another wank if its not too painful.” I smiled.

“That brings back bad images from uni back in the 90’s.” A voice says behind me.

I turn to see a girl with hair which was a pale blue in color wearing a pair of jean shorts and a blue vest top. Her pale skin clashing perfectly with her blue hair, dark eyelashes and eyes. She runs her hand through her lightly tussled hair as she smiles nervously. I’ve missed Sophie so much.

“Slag.” Hermione flinches as I say this.

“Slut.” Sophie says.


“Whore.” Sophie says eyeing me carefully.

I laugh, I do love mine and Sophie’s banter arguments. “And happy to admit it!”

Me and Sophie double over in laughter, the golden trio was looking at us with questioning looks. Can’t a girl be a cow to an old friend? I straighter up and gave Sophie a look to sort herself out.

“Golden Trio, this is Sophie. My fairy friend as well as uni friend back in the 90’s.”

Sophie sighs dreamily. “Ah, uni. The drunken nights as well as the fit guys. Gotta love it. Do you remember Ben and…” She nods and so do I, ah the good old days!

“It’s how you stalked him when you were high and threw a shoe at him when he didn’t speak to you.” We bust out laughing, the golden trio join us now.

I turn to Sophie and introduce her to the trio, she nods and says “Lily’s son?” she looks at me for an answer.

I nod. “Yeah its ‘tardy’s son, I did love Lily… when we got her drunk that summer and got her to spill about James. It’s the fact she just blurted out ‘he’s well fit like…’”

We shake our heads and turn to the trio, Harry’s looking at us in a questioning way. “You knew my Mother?” He asks.

We nod. Sophie speaks this time, her voice conveying a softness to it. “Yes, every summer when she came back from Hogwarts we’d visit her as she knew about us and what we were. It started when she was fourteen and we saw her with her wand and we walked up to her and said ‘you shouldn’t be doing that out of school’, then she looked at us and reliazed who we were from history books. Every summer after that all three of us would meet up and tell each other about their year. Then when-when she,”- she sighs, her eyes going glassy,-“passed. Me and Eliza grived together and that included A LOT of drinking.”

I nod and look sadly to Harry, he nods and sees we don’t want to talk about it. “Well a least now I know some more people who knew my parents.” He smiled trying to lighten the mood.

“Yeah, never meet your Father though. But from day one Lily was head over heels in love with him, even through she’d  always tell us she didn’t.” I laugh and look at Sophie, both remembering how we locked lily under the stairs until she said she loved James.

I check my watch to see its six, shop closing time. “Sorry guys but I’ve gotta shut up now, hopefully you didn’t need anything!” I laugh.

The golden trio exit the shop after saying their goodbyes, Hermione hugged me saying she’s sad that I’m not gonna be teaching this year. That truly warmed my heart up.

I look up to Sophie who just simply said.

“Fire Whiskey?”   

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