Chapter Twenty one; The Letter from Sophie.

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A/n; sorry for not writing alot lately its just because ive had writer block and its really uncurable. But as people say the show must go on!!-I think. Any way heres chapter twenty one. Btw I do not own HP or anything like that. I only own my characters whom I have added into the story!

Chapter Twenty one; The Letter from Sophie.

Eliza's P.O.V

Once I had finally got back to the Black house I was suddenly over come with sleeplyness. I yawned and entered the house which for some reason seemed a little less wiry. I sniffed. It smelt as if someone had made a real home dinner, not one of those made out of a packet which you just claim as your own.

I walked down the hallway and entered the kitchen diner to see Sirius poking at a pot at the stove, which seemed to be over flowing with odd foam. I shake my head and using my vampire speed to appear next to Sirius. I turned too stove off and raised an eyebrow at Sirius.

"It might help stop the food cooking by turning the stove off." I laughed.

Sirius shakes his head at me. "Am I really that hopeless?"

I nod. "Sorry but it smells good but-" I lift the lid off the pot and retch. "That isn't really edible and I'm the one how munches on woodland creatures." I quickly placed the lid back on top of the pot and wiped my hands down my jeans to rid myself of the food germs.

"So does this mean I'm not aloud in the kitchen anymore?" Sirius asks as if he was a small child.

"Yeah unless you have adult supervision."- Sirius looks up with a grin on his face as if he had a great idea; I raise a finger-"That does not include Remus."

Sirius stamps his foot. "But he was a teacher!"

I laugh and over come by his cuteness, I kiss his cheek. "Remember were being a teacher landed him."

"Well he found his old best friend, gained a new one and had a year of fun." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

I slap his hands off my waist. "You’re not touching me until you've had a shower boy." I giggle. Sirius sighs.

"Just take the fun out of everything." He starts stomping his way out of the kitchen.

"Wait Sirius you forgot something!"

He turns on his heel and looks at me. "What?"

Using vampire modes I appear at his side kiss his cheek and whisper. "Get washed and you'll get more..." Sirius face glowed and he ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Boys will always be boys...

I sat at the over sized kitchen table and took the note Sophie slipped to me out of my pocket. In Sophie’s angelic writing it had my full name on it. Eliza-March Roux II. Yes I am a second, I have no clue how through. But then in the 1400's I was made a lordess or countess.

I ripped open the green seal to see ink appear on the page. Around the boarder of the page were vines growing and dying, typical Sophie to get bored and doodle on a document which may or may not save my life! The writing was in a vibrant red it would have seemed as if it was blood if you didn't have a nose like a vampire. I started reading in my native language which was bliss as it was the first language I knew.

'Dear Eliza,

You know what is happening and what is to come, we both do. I am writing to say good bye as both of our days are numbered for different reasons. I cannot stress how much my life will change once you have gone as you were my one and only friend for years to come and years that have past. I am sorry that this day forward we'll never see or speak face-to-face again therefore I bid you goodbye and goodbye for the future. Many good and bad things will happen to both of us before our days end but no matter how you or I feel we will always be there for each other. I will write to you till the end is near and I expect you will too. You of all people know I cannot tell you what is to come for both of us, so don't ask.

Good luck with the future good or bad, I love you my sister.

Sophia Rosa Athena.'

A tear landed on the page and smudged the red ink. I knew this day was coming not matter how much I'd try to run from my death day it'll always be there. I grinned as I saw Sophie write her true Greek name, she hated it so much that I was the only person alive to know it, after she discovered the name 'Sophie' she chose to change it.

I wiped the tears from my welling eyes. I hear someone walking down the stair well so I quickly folded the letter up placed it within my pockets and wiped away my tear tracks.

I might love Sirius but I can't tell him what is to come no matter what was coming.

Sirius wrapped his arms round my waist and put his head inbetween my neck and arm. He kissed my neck. "You okay?" He asks. 

I nod. "Yes love." I run my hands through his hair. He chuckles against my neck and kisses it once again.

"I love you no matter what." Sirius says in a low voice. 

"I love you too." I say before kissing his nose. He wipes his nose and moans. 

"Girl germs!" 

I giggle and jump on his back. "Trust you Sirius trust you..."

As we were heading up stairs a owl comes in the window and drops a letter on the kitchen table. I hop off Sirius back and walked over to the letter to see my name on it. "Wonder who it's from." I say aloud. Sirius stands next to me wrapping his arms around my waist as I open it. 

'Dear Eliza, 

This year is the tri-wizard tourment, me and the others at the school wish you to be a special guest judge. Please come to Hogwarts on the 1st September along with the students on the train. I'm counting on you godmother. 


I giggle, trust Albus not to leave me of no way to talk myself out of it. Sirius groans. 

"Your not going to be here." 

I stroke his head. "It's okay, we have a week before I have to go. So lets make the most of it!" I say wrapping my legs around Sirius' waist. 

"Well I can't say no to this can I?" He says and kisses my nose. 

He carries me up the stairs, in a lot of pain with the amount of stairs in the Black's house and dumps me on the bed. 

Well this years gonna be better then the last.  

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