Chapter Three; Akward turtle.

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Disclaimer; I own nothing of Harry Potter!

Chapter Three; Akward turtle.

Eliza's P.O.V

As I sit at the head table, or basically the staff table, I look up and down to see if I knew anyone sitting here who I knew. I see Minnie, Ah I do love Minnie she's such a babe! She sees me looking at me and sends me a heart warming motherly smile, did I say that I love her? I send her one back and continue scanning the table for people I knew. I quickly see Severus Snape, shit hopefully he doesn't remember me.

You see the last time I saw him I gave him quite the scare with my vampire powers because he called Lily a 'mudblood'. God, I hated that name so much! It was so hurtful; it was the same as calling me a leech. I know I'm one but I can't help it, it's the same as muggle borns they can't help they were muggle borns!

I was stopped with my little rant by Albus clapping his hands to get everyone to be quite. The hall finally settled. "Well as you can see we've got a new guest and teacher. Eliza-March Roux. If you are fourth year and above you should know who she is by now. She is the famous vampire and now a teacher at Hogwarts. I hope you all welcome her as she has a very bad temper." He laughs at the last statement, I roll my eyes. "Anyhow, lets start desserts and resume with are actives!"

Albus sits back down in his head chair; he looks at me as if he was a small child just caught after taking some cookies from the jar by his mother. I shake my head at him, turn my head, and put my nose in the air and just to add effect I cross my arms. I know childish, but I'm a stupid amount of years old of course I'm going to be childish.

As the desserts were slowly disappearing as well as students, I suddenly got bored with poking the untouched food on my plate. You see as a vampire my organs don't work anymore so I can't eat, I can eat but my body just ends up making me sick it back up and making me take bed rest for about a week. Well I had to learn that the hard way...

The bordness becomes too much to handle so I get up and leave the great hall, I could feel the teachers as well as some student’s eyes burning into my back. I sigh; I swear they just think I'm going to attack someone left right and center.

I use my vamp-speed to get to the painting to enter the Gryffindor common room. There's no way to describe vamp-speed it just like you've been sucked into a vacuum and spat back out, but after a while you get used to it.

The guardian of the common room had just to be the fat lady an old friend of mine. You see because I've been around so long I know an awful lot of people, most I don't even know the names of I just say 'Hi Mate' and hope for the best.

The Fat lady just looked at me and realized straight away who I was. "ELIZA, my dear I haven’t seen you in donkey years!"

I laugh, ah good old... well let’s say she's one of the 'mates' I have. "It hasn't been that long. Maybe a hundred years..."

Before I could finish I was cut off by her. "Sorry dear I forget, I'm getting old you see, time seems nothing to you anymore." I smiled at her, I do love her but she does drive me insane with talking way too much.

"Don't worry; I was seeing if you could let me in the common room?" I pout and use puppy dog eyes, yes I maybe old but I know how to get what I want.

The fat lady chuckles. "Yes, yes. You know you always get me with those eyes." She rolls her eyes while adding the last part and opens the door.

"Thanks!" I shout at her as I skip in the common room. I giggle; ah I do love seeing old friends just as much as making new ones. I'm a very sociable girl, I totally hate awkward silences but when you know as many people as me you can barely ever have those.

As I enter the common room it’s very much like the grant hall again, everyone just stares. I stand there rocking back and forth. To break the silence I put my hands together and make a turtle. "Awkward turtle?" I say questionably to the whole room, most people start to laugh and other just stare at me as if I'm mad.

The two twins who thought I was 'hot' came up to me. I look at them knowing what they were going to try and do. They introduce themselves; flirt then I'll have to shoot them down.

"Hello I'm George." Says the one on the right.

"And I'm Fred. May we ask who you are?"

"-and what 'awkward turtle' means?"

I must say talking together was cute but totally over rated. "I'm Eliza-March, if you had been listening to Al's speech. As well 'awkward turtle' is a muggle saying you use in and awkward moment to break the ice." I say with a smile.

"Ah, that’s something-" Starts George

"-we'll have to use." Finishes Fred. God this twin stuff is gonna be hard to keep up. I look around the room to see if there was anyway I could escape the boys, yes they were lovely but I just didn't want to hurt there ego's.

Fred opens his mouth to say something; I raise my hand to stop him. "I'm sorry Fred, George, but I know your gonna start flirting with me but I just don't have the heart to shoot you down." I look at George's and Fred's faces as they drop, wow. This is a real awkward turtle moment. I glance around to see a mass of wild curly hair sitting at one of the chairs near the fire.

"Hermione!" I shout. She turns round to see me, I send her a smile and she returns one. I smile sadly to the twins. "Sorry got to go speak to Miss Ganger. Good to meet you boys!" I say as I basically run to sit next to Hermione.

"Bye Eliza!" The twins say together. Jesus, twins are such hard work!

I use my vamp speed to sit next to Hermione. She looks up shocked at how fast I got to the chair. "Vampire remembers." I wink at her, she nods finally remembering.

"Wow, you’re really THE Eliza-March? I've read so much about you your adventures, you’re like my idol!" I laugh at this normally when people find out who I am they shit themselves. Someone really did once, not a pretty sight.

"Yes I am THE Eliza-March. But are you really THE AMAZING Hermione Ganger?!" I add and she blushes. "I maybe a 'famous' vampire but why wouldn't I know about Hermione Ganger?"

She buries her head in her book and mumbles. "Because I'm just a know it all mudblood." It's barely auditable, but as a vampire I naturally hear this.

"Jesus darlin'! You’re a proud strong Gryffindor and never say that about yourself again! You’re lovely, beautiful and when was it a bad think to be smart?"

Hermione lifts her head up and looks at me in the eyes. "Really?" She whispers.

"Yes, you should know that it’s extremely hard for vampires to lie. As well as I would be proud with you as a friend! Wait you’re my new best friend straight after Minnie." I say and wink at her. She seems to cheer up and laughs.

"Minnie?" She asks.

"Between me and you as your my new BFF, it Professor McGonagall." I say in a whisper and we both bust out into laughter.

Wow. I've been here for an hour and I've all got boys flirting, a new girlfriend as well as teaching everyone something new. This is gonna be a good year.

A/N; Yeah two updates in a day, I'm on the ball!

So please;




and enjoy reading :)

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