Chapter Six; Sirius Black, the wanted man?

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  • Dedicated to Shakira, you beauitful crazy friend ;)

Disclaimer; I do not own anything harry potter based!!

A/N; this is written for all you Sirius Black fans out there and most importantly my BFF Shakira whom i can trust anything with as well as she is the best person ever to vent out boy troubles. Sorry I just had to thank her in the best way I could think of :)

Chapter Six; Sirius Black, the wanted man?

Remus’ P.O.V

I see Eliza look at me after the boggart turns into a pixie. I see she’s shaken up. I know how she feels to feel as if she’s a monster. I nod at her to leave.

The mirror image of Eliza was different it had bloodlust in its eyes, is she scared of losing her grip on humanity or just scared of reminding herself about what she truly is?

Eliza’s P.O.V

As I walk through the forbidden forest I don’t see why its so forbidden. What’s gonna hurt you a small dinosaur? I sigh in fustrantion. I can’t believe that my greatest fear is myself, for gods sake!

I run towards the main tree facing the black lake, I punch it to try and let my frustrantion out. Why do I have to be this monster? Why must I hate myself? Just why?

I slide down the tree and do something I haven’t done since ive become a vampire. I cry.

I don’t just cry, I let out gut renching sobs. I cry for all what I’ve done and become. I remember when I did my frist kill as a vampire. He was only young, thinking about it he was only sixteen he could’ve grown old with his grandchildren around him but he couldn’t because I killed him…


Greece, date unknown…

I woke to the sun bearing down on me, where was I? I don’t remember anything, why don’t I remember? All I know is my name, Eliza-March. But who was I what was I… most importantly who was I?

“Miss?” A male voice says, it sounds distance but I know it’s only to the left of me.

I sit upright and turn my head to face the young man. Maybe he knew who I was. As the man sees my face me gasp’s and leans towards me to help me stay upright.

“Miss are you alright your covered in blood.” Worry was shown in his eyes. As he leaned closer to me I smelt something beautiful, like a fine wine. My mouth buds were crying out for a taste. I licked my lips.

The man looked at me again, his eyes widening. “Miss you eyes…”

 That was the last thing the poor boy ever said, because at that I lunged at him and latched my teeth (or rather fangs) on to his neck and drank his life source away.

~End of flashback~

I don’t remember much of the first hundred years of the reborn me, the only thing I am reminded about it is the bloodlust I get and the scenes of blood which plague my dreams.

Over my years of being here I dread killing each and every person, but it was who I was and I couldn’t stop it. That’s what I am afraid of the real me. The real me whom I have buried so deep I barely remember.

I let out an ear echoing sob; I feel a hand be placed on my shoulder. I wipe my tears and my fringe to look up at the person trying to calm me down. I look up the arm of the person to see the ropes of what Azksban people had to wear, I was far too familiar with.

You see in my young days, when I killed an awful lot of people, I was sent to Azksban to many times. At least as I was dead the guards couldn’t see me and wouldn’t bother me much so it was pretty much like a paid house without the hot water.

I looked up to the persons face to be greeted with grey eyes which were filled with pain and suffering, but if he was suffering why was he being nice to me? Plus if he was at Azksban why was he here aren’t they suppose to be there for life?

“Do you mind if I sit?” The man asked, I nodded.

He sat next to me leaning against the tree. He pulled his knees up and rapped his arms around. “I’m pretty glad you haven’t gone back to the castle shouting, ‘It’s Sirius Black the mass murder’ yet.” He laughed, I did to.

“Nha, I know what your going though I’ve been sent to Azksban many of a times so I don’t blame you for escaping that hell hole.”

He lifted his head up and looked into my eyes. Wow, now looking at him if he had a good old wash he would look alright.

“Why would you be sent to Azksban? You’re only young.”

That’s when I looked at him and smiled, showing my fangs. He noticed but didn’t bring it up; he must’ve learnt that from Azksban. Keep to yourself. “Well young Sirius Black that is where your wrong. I am the last vampire formally known as Eliza-March Roux. If you think you’re a mass murder then I am a… well whatever’s more then a mass murder.”

I laugh half heartedly. Sirius nods. “Well Liz, you might’ve killed those people but you have a valid reason. But my reasoning of not being a mass murder is the fact of being framed.”

I look at him, while he looks down. Ah a nickname, that makes my heart flutter. Wait WTF? Then it clicks we both outcasts.

I’m an outcast because, well I’m a vampire, and then he’s an outcast because of him being framed.

I pat him on the back. “If your real friends believe you when you tell them you’ve been framed then they are your true friends.” I smile at him and he returns one.

“Thank-you Eliza, but can I ask why do you believe me when I say I was framed?”

I take my hand from him and look down at the ground. “Well that’s because the night Peter told Voldermort about were the Potters were I was there.” I see his face turn from friendly to well horror; I shake my head and put my hands up. “No I am not one of the dark lord’s followers I was only there because he was trying to get me on his side. But as soon as Peter came in and betrayed his friends I said no because I would never want to turn on my friends.”

Sirius nodded. “Well Eliza, you can add me to that list of friends now.” He laughs and winks.

“Well Sirius I don’t know my list of friends is pretty long…”

“Well it would be if I was as old as you.” He winks and laughs as I gasp.

“How dare you bring my age into this matter! Just because I have more experience!” I laughed as his face cringed. “Well if you had a body of a seventeen year old forever there’s not much you can’t do!” We both started cracking up into laughter, like the kind which is unbearable. 

At one point we were rolling on the floor grasping our stomachs, I haven’t had this much fun in a life time. That’s when someone just had to ruin it.

“ELIZA!” Shouted a voice, crap it was Remus’. Sirius flinched at the voice; I look at him wide eyed. I hear Remus getting closer. I look around trying to find somewhere to hide Sirius. But before I can find somewhere for him to hide he turns into a large shaggy dog and pelts into the forest.

“Ah, Eliza. I’ve been looking everywhere for you, you’ve even missed dinner!” Remus says as he had a worried expression on his face.

I shake my head and hold it in my hands. “I just had to get that image out of my mind. You know how it feels to think you’re a monster.” Remus nods.

“Come on lets get back to the castle."

Remus turns round and starts heading back to the castle, I do the same but before I leave the forest I look behind me to see Sirius looking back at me in his dog form.

Sirius nods his head, I return a nod as he sets back out into the forest. I turn and join Remus walking out of the forest.

I want to bring Remus and Sirius back together because they both need each other. But how…

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