Chapter Thirteen; Grimmauld Place

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A/N; I do not own HP and btw read authors note at the end please!!

Chapter Thirteen; Grimmauld Place

Eliza's P.O.V

I hug Sirius and he just stays stone stiff. Not moving.

"Sirius..." I breath into his ear, nothing.

Is he in shock? I poke him and place an ear to his chest, he's still breathing he's just not responding.

The door to the bedroom busts open to show Remus/Moony, he looks at the position we're in and raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"Sirius has gone into a state of shock; we're not doing anything 'frisky'." I laugh as I air bracket 'frisky'.

Remus cracks a smile. "Why's he in a state of shock?"

"Well, dumb ass here wasn't listening in vampire 101 because you had a crush on a girl or something..."- I raise an eyebrow at Remus and he has a small smile painted on his lips- "So then he didn't realize that feeding me his blood would cause us to become bond mates. Wait a minute if he didn't listen in that lesson he shouldn't know what bond mates are and wouldn't be freaking out!"

I wave my arms in the air in frustration. Remus laughs, I look at Sirius to see him looking down at me smiling.

"So anyways what are bond mates?" Remus asks and sits on the messy floor of the room.

"Yeah what are they, oh and sorry I had to mess with you. I had the chance I took it." Sirius laughed, I glanced at him as he put his arms up in surrender.

"Well children, you all content?" I ask as a small children teacher would to her class. Remus and Sirius nod.

"Bond mates, or σύντροφοιομολόγων in my native language. They are bonded not just by blood but by souls, even if the vampire was weak they would still drain the human dry unless they are bond mates. Or werewolf." -I glance in Remus' direction, he looks gluitly-"Bond mates can feel each others pain, lust, anger and happiness. It sort of flows through an invisable bond linking them together. It's better to stay together with you bond mate, like living with them or seeing them each day. The bond can fade over time but the people, whose bond they wish to fade, must have not contact at all with each other. Not even a phone call because it reminds the body of the bond."

I look at Sirius who's opened mouthed like a fish and Remus whoms glaring at Sirius. Why's that?

"Any questions?" I clap my hands together.

Sirius raises his arm, I nod at him. "Whats you native language?" He asks.

"Oh, Greek. I was born in 776 BC, or well turned as a vampire. I have no menory of my human life. But I do remember in my first vampire year it was the first ever olympic games!" I laugh remembering the good old days.

"If you add all your vampire years together your about 2787 years old?" Remus asks.

"Yeah I guess I've never tried to find out how old I was. Jesus, I'm one hell of a corgua." I turn to face Sirius, who's mouth was even wider now, and sent him a cheesey smile.

"I never throught of the day I'd be dating an older woman..." Sirius says in wonder.

"...An extremely older woman." Remus says and laughs.

I pull off a sock and throw it at Remus, he stops laughing when the sock bitch slaps him in the face.

"Well as they say, older woman more experince!" I say as I wink at Sirius.

His lips turn upwards in a rather large grin. Males...

I lay back on the bed and pat my tummy. "So anyways, what the hell happened?"

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