Chapter Seven; Hogsmead drinking fest, cancelled FML.

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Disclaimer; I don't own harry potter.

A/N- This is a total filler chapter and there was just somethings I just wanted to throw into a story so I did. Hope you like! 

Chapter Seven; Hogsmead drinking fest, cancelled FML.

Eliza's P.O.V

I was sitting at breakfast, not eating as normal, the room was buzzing. You see it was the first trip to Hogsmead today, Jesus why is everyone so hyped up about Hogsmead its a dump... but they've been trapped in this castle for a few weeks so it must be the sense of freedom of leaving.

As I was talking to my self I feel a hand touch my shoulder, my vampire reflexes grab it straight away and crush it.

"ELIZA!" I hear a stern whisper, I look at the person who I attacked. Remus.

"Shit, Remus! I'm sorry but as the school motto goes 'never tiggle a sleeping dragon'." Remus clutches his hand, sits down and raises his eyebrow.

I huff, blow my fringe out of my eye. "You know never harass a vampire who doesn’t know your gonna sneak up on them. Jesus, vampire 101. Aren’t you the DADA teacher?”

He laughs and shakes his head. “Yes I am, but I didn’t know that’ll you’ll try and break my freaking hand.”

I roll my eyes and look at him. “Jesus Remus stop being such a freaking pussy.” I wink at the end to make sure he realizes that it’s a joke.

“Oh shame, now I can’t go Hogsmead… so you’ll have no one to drink away your sorrows with.”

Yes me and Remus were on teacher duty at Hogsmead this weekend, we both didn’t want to go so we were just gonna sneak off to the hogshead and drink our body weight in firewhiskey. Come on it’s the weekend the one time we get off teaching bratty children, cough Draco Malfoy. Who did send his father a letter about me teaching here but his father had no problem with me being here, well that’s because I had ‘words’ with him to let me stay. Ah, the bliss of vampire powers.

I groan. “But Remus…”

Remus laughs. “Now I have a good excuse not to go. Good luck on your own but Snape might have to go instead of me.” I stiffen at Snape’s name. I told Remus about Snape stabbing me, then about me scaring him. But if that man had any brain cells he’d stay the hell away from me, hopefully…

“Thanks Remus, ditcher bitch. I’ll go talk to my other friends.” I say in a snobby voice, stand up and walk towards the Gryffindor table. Remus laughs and shakes his head at me for being childish. I turn quickly and with my vampire powers I flip him the birdy so only me and him can see it.

“I see how it is.” Remus mumbles, knowing full well I’d hear him.

I walk over to Hermione and her friends, Ron and Harry, and slide into the seat next to her. She looks up at me, her wild curly hair looking a little bit tamed today.

“Hiya Eliza, I like the top.” She says nodding at my top, what am I even wearing today?

I look down to see I’m wearing a pair of dark wash skinny jeans (which made my butt look good, if you know what I’m saying…) , lace up boots (which I swear I got back in the Victorian times) and a grey grapic tee. I wasn’t really making an effort today because I throught that I was going to trashed with Lupin but he had to be a party pooper. Stupid teacher…

“Thanks ‘moine, I wasn’t really trying today ‘cause I was gonna get drunk out of my mind but some one had to go and poo the party out.”

Hermione looks at me wide eyes, well her family must be anit drinking, while the boys look at me trying to contain there laughter. I shake my head at them.

“Who said that there dead teacher couldn’t have fun and get drunk?” I ask the boys crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows.

Harry speaks up. “Well ‘cause your like a teacher and such. Its wired.”

I stand up to leave. “As your ‘teacher and such’ I can tell you, I have a pretty good party life and maybe even a sex life.” Ron and Harry look at me as if they were gonna throw up. “Yeah don’t diss your vampire teacher who’s been around for god knows how long. Cause she’ll put you in your place.” I laugh and walk out of the great hall.

I feel the need to check what they’re thinking ‘cause I don’t really want to scar them too much.

Hermione, ~Do you think if I ask her she’ll give me some tips with boys?~ Ah, Hermione’s so sweet. She properly didn’t hear what I said to the boys. Now let’s check the boys minds.

Harry. ~I know she’s like a teacher but she is fit so no wonder she has a sex life…~ I stop reading his mind there, I personally believe if I carried on reading his mind I would become more scarred then him… I quickly check Ron’s and its pretty much the same as Harry’s so I put my guards up to make sure I don’t hear anymore people minds. Cause lets just say you can only get enough of horny teenager’s thoughts.

As I was leaving to go to Hogsmead to ‘baby-sit’ I get taken to the side by Minnie. I hug her and she returns one. “Eliza you haven’t changed!” I laugh at this it’s always the same time; of course I haven’t bloody changed I’m a vampire!

“Course I haven’t Minnie, god!” I over exaggerate, Minnie laughs as she knows I’m joking.

“I heard you told some students about your sex life.” She laughs and shakes her head.

“Of course not…” I roll my eyes.

“Whatever Eliza, I over heard. But doesn’t matter at least you didn’t tell them of what we used to do while we were students here.” She laughs and so do I.

When Minnie went to school here I did to. It was so much fun, its when she had a real bad crush on a Hufflepuff. Let’s just say the way she declared her love for him is something I’d never forget. She burnt into the Hufflepuff table ‘I love… (whatever his name, I forgot it) love Minnie xxx’

“Yeah like the time you burnt ‘I love…’” I lost all control of speech because she bonds my mouth.

She looked at me wide eyed. “Never tell anyone! Anyhow you better be off to Hogsmead, Oh by the way Potters' not allowed to go so if you see him bring him back here.” I nod and wave, the mouth bonding curse had lifted.

I walk out of the castle and head to the little dump us wizards call Hogsmead…

A/N (Yes another)- Just wanted to say, please please please comment because I want to know what everyone thinks of the story and there ideas. Thanks :)

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