Chapter Fifteen; The Malfoys

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A/N; I do not own HP or anything Harry Potter related.

Chapter Fifteen; The Malfoys

Eliza’s P.O.V

I quickly slide my book back under the cash desk, I sit upright and straighten my vest top out. The Malfoy’s were all dress in top of the range robes, which were from my store or another just next to mine.

Narcissa Malfoy enters the store first with the two men of the family trailing behind her. Both Draco and Lucius Malfoy were loaded with bags for Draco’s new school year. Draco’s hair was in a mess style and it suited him better then his slicked back style, he looks more mature now. He’ll most likely be the new heart throb next to Cedric.

Narcissa turns and spots me at the desk and walks towards me, her head held high and back straight. She looked like a prima ballerina, but after all the years she’s been told shes better then everyone else of course you’d walk like that.

She stands in front of the desk and places one of her hand on it, they looked of and worn most likely in doing the bidding for the Dark Lord.

“Hello, I would like to speak to the owner of this fine store. If you please.” She spoke like a higher class woman would, as if they had their heads shoved up their own asses.

“Yes Mrs.Malfoy. I am the owner of this store how may I help you?” I spoke in a sickly sweet tone, I was trying to sell my goods so I have to be a kiss ass.

Narcissa looks me up and down, ~She’s far too young, she’s having me on…~ she thinks. Jesus can’t you be young and successful? She spends a few seconds over looking me again, I smile and she returns one.

“I’m here to get my son some new dress robes. I saw some new ones in the window so I thought I would come and check them out. As this store does stock the finest items.” She adds another sickly smile at the end of it.

So who’s now being the kiss ass?

“Sure thing, let me show you our new Yule Ball range. They’ve just been put out on sleves today, as well all of them our different.” I step out from behind the desk and walk towards the Yule Ball items.

I pass Draco, who hasn’t been daydreaming since he entered the shop, as I pass him a gust of wind awakens him from the daydream. He still wasn’t with it but he followed me and his mother, Lucius in tow.

I stop in front of the Yule Ball dress robes and tap my chin. What would look good on Draco?

“Draco, darling. What type of dress robe do you want?” I ask aloud.

Draco’s head snaps up when I say his name, he narrows his eyebrows in confusion when I say ‘darling’ but when he realizes it me talking to him he smiles. “Hello Professor, I didn’t know it was you and what do you mean?” He questioned.

“No it’s Eliza now, I’m not working at the school anymore thank god!”-I laugh- “I mean do you want black dress robes, fancy, casual that sort of thing.” I smile at him and he returns one.

“I was thinking Black, of course, and I don’t know.”

I look to see Narcissa and Lucius had gone to check other items of the shop now, thank god. Ex death eaters scare the poo out of me.

“Well black is easily done. Now I think I might had one left from a wedding range a few seasons back which had a green lining and a matching tie. Which I could easily put a Slytherin symbol on for you. Oh and a pair of Italian shoes with a white shirt.”

Draco nods. “With the shirt do you have any cufflinks to match?”

Well that boy doesn’t miss anything out does he? “Yes, I have a set of Slytherin ones from an old friend of mine which would go well. Any how Draco you have good taste.” I laugh and smile at him. He starts to smile but stops it as he sees his father glaring at him.

“Let me just go collect those from out back. No one else will have anything like it as it’s different from the rest of the robes out. One of a kind.” I say and walk towards the back of the shop.

As I enter the stock room I see Remus trying, and failing, to put his shoes on right. I look at him and shake my head, I get on knees squat his hands away and tie them.

I stand upright and look at him. “I wouldn’t go out there if I was you.” I whisper.

I turn to look at the boxes were I keep old unsold stock and get a box down saying. ‘WEDDING RANGE #2’ and take the dress robes out for Draco.

“Why’s that?” Remus asks in a hushed tone, he must’ve noted that I was talking in them.

“Malfoy’s, that’s why.” I sigh and so does he. I smile at him as we had the same reactions.  I look about the stock room to find the cufflinks; I finally find them and place them into a green velvet box. I grab a green tie from the rack in the main part of the store, a white dress shirt as well as a pair of black shoes.

As I was leaving the stock room I remembered to quickly attach the Slytherin symbol to the dress robe. I carefully place the dress robes in a large suit bag with the stores name written on it and placed the shoes and cufflinks in another bag.

I walk back into the main store to see all three Malfoy’s collecting items. I walk to the desk and place the dress robes and other items on it and quickly neaten flyers which had gone willy nilly. I hear someone clear their throat behind me, I turn to see Lucius Malfoy with a few items in his arms.

“Hello, I’ve got your sons dress robes and such ready.” I smile, he nods for me to take the other items from his arms.

I noticed that Draco and Narcissa had left the store, yay just me and a known Ex death eater. Oh joy!

I start to pack the items away, to find a rather beautiful red dress in the pile. I smile.

“I’ve been waiting ages for someone to snatch this beauty up but no one seemed to check in the hidden corner to find it.” I smile.

“Well it you wanted someone to buy it why would you place it in such a hard place?” Lucius asked, he seemed a little angered.

“Because to get some things which you want you must work hard for it, therefore I wanted someone to work hard to find this and get the rewards.” I smile, yes it was a little odd but as a old vampires some times you just have to go a little mad.

“So you know my son Draco?” He asked as I was packing the last item into a bag.

“Yes, last year I worked at Hogwarts as a trainee professor but I didn’t really fit into the job. Draco’s a great lad and works very well but he just need to put that little more effort and go the whole nine yards.” I smile at a Lucius and hand him the bags.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you again.” He speaks in a monotone voice, he starts to leave the shop but just before he leaves he stops and turns. “Sorry but what’s your name?”   

“Oh! Sorry Mr.Malfoy, its Eliza-March Roux. I hope you come again.” He looks shocks but he nods his head and leaves the shop.

Gosh I wish I had a camera! Remus comes out from the back of the store.

“Have fun with the Malfoy’s?” Remus asks trying to not laugh.

I shake my head. “Yes, DUH! Any how you better nip off and get some lunch/dinner. Jesus I didn’t know they were in here for that long!” I look at the clock. I started showing then items at noon and now it was four. How time fly’s.

Remus nods and starts to leave the store before he exits from the door I shout. “You look good in your new stuff!” He laughs and walks down the street back towards Diagon Alleys main road.

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