The Start Of The End...

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DISCLAIMER; I do not own HP okay?

The Start Of The End...

Eliza's P.O.V

I entered the cold gothic mansion the Malfoy family called home. I entered through the back door to find the house from the outside and inside horrid. Very much like the family who owned it then.

I laughed at the little joke I cracked.

My laughter wasn't the same as before it was now soul-less and chilling. A true vampire laugh, a true death eater laugh. One even to match Bellatrix's.

Before I entered the badly designed manor I changed into more suiting clothes. A black silk dress with platform heels, so high they could but Mrs. Malfoy to shame. My hair curly and ruley pulled back into a silver band.

As I enter the hall I hear Bellatrix's famous chilling laugh. I smiled to myself. This will be too easy.

I let my fangs out and appeared quickly next to Bellatrix who was dancing about screaming in joy. "I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK!"

As she said his name my heart faulted for a second but then my cold shell ness kicked in again. My body felt could as if a dementor was near.

Bellatrix caught a glimpse of me and stood in shock. Laughed, Bellatrix shook as if she was scared.

"Don't treat dear child, I am only a creature of the dark as you are."

Bellatrix's mouth turned up into a smirk, but she stopped herself before completing the smirk. Death Eaters were taught emotions were weaknesses and weaknesses weren't aloud. I nodded to Bellatrix to say it was fine to smirk. Bellatrix’s corners of her lips turned into a smirk of a spoilt child.

"Are you here to see the Dark Lord, ma'am?" Bellatrix asked politely, who ever said a death eater couldn't be polite?

I nodded and took the woman’s hand in mine. Her hand was worn and old from all those years in Azksban. "I am here to see Tom Riddle, as well as to meet the woman herself. Bellatrix Lestrange." Bellatrix's heart sped up. I smiled weakly and leaned down to whisper. "You killed Sirius Black eh? Very good, very good indeed."

Bellatrix gasped as I complimented her. She must've felt touched at she placed a hand to her heart but she removed in quickly.

The doors to the horrid mansion flew open to show the Tom Riddle, the Dark Lord Voldermort and his followers. The Malfoy family was close behind but with Lucius missing, I wonder why. Tom's feet padded across the marble floor towards Bellatrix and I.

"Ah, Bellatrix. Of whom do we have here?" He spoke with a voice of bitterness. It made me feel sick inside.

Bellatrix opens her mouth to introduce me to the Dark Lord but I raise my hand which is not grasping hers. I step forward and dropped Bellatrix's hand.

Many of Voldermort’s army gasp when they see my face. My face now seemed as well as looked cold and pale to make my lips blood red against it. My lips looked blood stained from when I attacked the death eater at the ministry; many must've thought it was from my last feed.

I clear my throat and started speaking in my voice which was cold and threatening.

"I am guessing from the looks upon you faces you know of whom I am. But for those who lack in education," I point my glaze at the Crabbe and Goyle families-"I am Eliza-March-" I go to say Black but I stop myself-"Roux, the vampire who has come to join your side for the war, My Lord."

I turn to face Tom when I say 'My Lord'. He smiles, which seems scary as he hasn't since he was a child and that was when he was killing poor bugs. He clapped.

"It seems as if we have a new family member to welcome, the last vampire herself." He reaches to me and does the unbelievable. He hugs me, a rather awkward hug at that.

I laughed my chilling laugh then hugged him back. My face showed joy but my soul, not my feelings, was telling me I had to do it. I had to do it for my family, my Hogwarts family, but never the less my family. The people who cared for me the most.

Remus bloody owes me big time. I chuckle to myself inside before I was introduced and re-introduced to people who served the dark lord.

It's the start of the end.

A/N; Jesus, this story is finished! I have got Another Life covered and got a blub and everything I just need to finish the first chapter and plan. If your lucky it might be up today. But when It is up I'll inform you guys. Anyways please comment about what you thought ect. Oh and who could be Elizas romanic intrest in the next book?




-Tom Riddle?

Please tell me any ideas you have which I could use! Thanks for reading Caseye! xxxx

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