Chapter Ten; Werewolf Trouble

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A/N- WOW! chapter ten, double figures!! Please tell me what you think of this chapter!

Disclamier; I do not own HP!!

Chapter Ten; Werewolf Trouble

Eliza’s P.O.V

Last few months have been pretty peaceful, or well as peaceful as you can be as a teacher at Hogwarts. Over the last few months Harry’s lot have been in a little trouble but I haven’t been giving them any grief. Well that’s most likely because Sirius said if I ever gave Harry a detention he’d stop kissing me for a week, which is black mail to the max. But after Lupin walking into mine and Sirius kissing showing on Christmas they’ve become friends again after Sirius explained the whole framing to Remus.

I was covering Remus’ class because tonight was a full moon and he asked me nicely to take the class over for the day. Oh what joy! But at least I knew what they were learning about, come on why learn about red caps? Today’s lesson was all about vampires.

“Professor Roux can I have some help?” A fifth year Gryffindor asked me.

I groan. “Please don’t call me ‘Professor Roux’, it makes me old. Yeah what’s wrong dear?”

I walk over to her; she looks like a friend of mine a couple of generations back. “Okay, Eliza? I don’t understand this question.” I look at the question in the book she’s pointing at.

I gasp and pick the book at to re-read the question. Q4. When did Eliza-March Roux have a child and what was the child’s name?

I put the book down on the desk. “Well that’s no even a question.” The girl looks up at me confused. “Well a) vampires can’t have kids and b) I never remember having a bloody baby. Trust me, even I would remember that.”

The whole class start to laugh. “But Eliza what is the answer?” The girl asks again. For gods sake this girl makes me wanna hit my head in with a jack hammer.

“Give me your quill please.” She silently passes me her quill and I quickly answer the question for her.

I walk away from her as she reads the answer I have written. “She hasn’t had a child because if she had she would’ve remembered if she had. So overall this is utter…” She doesn’t continue as I had written some very bad swear words, yeah I’m a good role model aren’t I?

All the class look at me in shock. I shrug my shoulders and the Weasley twins are the first to breakout into laughter who are soon followed by the rest of the class. After a few minutes of continuous laughter I say.

“Come on do some work, I don’t want to get in trouble with Lupin. He scares me when he’s mad. He’s like the bloody hulk!” I laugh and so do some muggle students, the wizard students just look at us as if we were mad.

Ten lessons with all age groups had warn me out I was happy to welcome the idea of the feast, yes I didn’t eat but it was the whole atmosphere of the feast which made it fun. I walked into the hall after some first year students who were discussing how fast this year had gone. That’s when it clicked. It was the last day of June today then we only had one week before the summer holiday. Wow, this years gone quick.

I sat at the head table, sad that Remus wasn’t here as it was full moon. I sat next to Hagird, lovely man but I wasn’t too fond of creatures expect myself but he seemed quite happy talking to me about my habits. This is because back in his school days they weren’t taught much about Vampires. He spoke about a hippogriff that was named buckbeak but he always sounded sad, it must have been the hippogriff Lucuis Malfoy must’ve complained about. I patted Hargrids shoulder to calm him; he gave me a big bear hug and left the great hall in tears. Ah, he must’ve loved that hippogriff.

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