Chapter Twenty Seven; The Second Task.

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DISCLAIMER; I do not own Harry Potter!

Chapter Twenty Seven; The Second Task.

Eliza's P.O.V

I have to say now days parties are totally different, when the teenagers of Hogwarts party. They party HARD. After the great hall was closed the twins made me to go to the after party at the Gryffindor common room. Let’s just say I had one massive hang over from that.

I was currently standing next to Albus who was telling everyone how the champions have something of theirs at the bottom of the lake and they had to go get it off the merpeople. Flitch sets off the cannon once again, which fails once again. I sigh.

I see Harry being pushed into the water; I straighten up hoping that he hasn't drowned before the bloody task had begun. The silence sets in waiting for Harry to show signs he's okay. Once I start losing hope Harry jumps out of the water and does a back flip. I laugh.

"Gillyweed! How'd he found out about that?" I say aloud.

"I believe it was Neville Longbottom, he does have a knack at plants." Albus says next to me.

"I'll have to go say well done to him!" I say and start running down to the bottom of the platform. Once I get there I see Jessica talking to her friends. I walk up to her and hug her.

"Jessica!" I cry.

"Eliza, how are you?" She says.

"I'm good, who's your friends?" I ask looking at the three girls standing with her.

"Oh its, Lissa Janie and Doe." I smile and hug each girl in turn.

"Sorry Jess but I better get going; I've got to go have a chat to Longbottom." When I say 'Longbottom' I see Neville stiffen. I wave bye to the girls and walk up to Neville.

I clap Neville on the back; he lets out a little squeal. "Calm down Nev, it’s only me!" I giggle.

Neville pats his chest. "Sorry Eliza but you gave me a fright!" 

I smile. "No worries, how'd you know about Gillyweed?"

Neville looks down. "I read it in a book which Prof. Moody gave me."

"Gosh you should be a plant guy when you’re older Nev, it what your parents would have wanted."

Neville looks up and in a shy whisper says. "You know my parents."

I nod. "Yeah, as well as Harry's Mum, Ron's Mum the list goes on and on."

"Wow, you must never get lonely."

"Yeah but everyone dies one day Nev, sadly that person isn't me."

Neville raises and eyebrow. "Whatcha mean?"

"I mean that everyone dies around me quicker. Everything must come to an end."

Neville sighs. "Doesn't that mean even through your immortal you'll come to an end too?"

I nod and pat him on the back. "Your smarter then most think Mr. Longbottom." I smile and leave Neville to chat to his friends.


After an hour everyone had arrived back bar Harry. I was starting to get worried. Fleur was in a mess as she couldn't get her sister, Cedric was pulling kissy faces with Cho and Krum was well, I don't know what he was doing.

After ten minutes I started to race down to the bottom platform to see all the Harry Potter fans sick with worry. I was about to jump in but someone pulled me back. Hermione.

"You can't help him."

I growled. "Its better then him dying!"

"He'll be fine. He's Harry Potter."

I and Hermione giggled at that. As we were giggling Ron and Fleur's sister appeared above the water. I helped Ron out and Fleur helped her sister out. Fleur started to shower Ron in kisses. I raise an eyebrow at Hermione who looks away to hide her laughter.

As we wait for Harry I get worried once again, but Harry suddenly appears dripping wet on the platform. I help Harry up as Hermione puts a towel on him. I walk up to him and hug him.

"Thank god, I don't know what Pads would do if you died on my watch!" I giggle.

"Thanks, that makes me feel better!" Harry laughs.

I bear hug him again before everyone else attacks him in hugs. I sigh.

Thank god, only one task to go.  

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