Chapter 6

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Yuki stopped at a nearby park and tried to catch her breath. She saw a bench and headed towards it. 

What was that?! Blah! T-That monkey and his friend! Well, the good thing now is, Hikari is okay. Well, she was in the first place! Stupid monkey's friend! Got worried for nothing! But, why did he lead me to the room where Ryuu was ... Ah Ah ! No! I'll head home now. She got up and started to walk home. Meanwhile back at the karaoke, Ryuu ran to the entrance. 




"Ahh! Where did she go?!" he said while bending down, trying to catch his breath. 

"Ohh Ryuu! What's wrong? You seem out of breath." Tetsu asked while patting his back. 

"I saw... *PANT... Yuki..." he said while still trying to catch his breath. 

"Did she see you? and that girl?" he asked while facing him. 

"...... I-i think so." he said regretfully. 

"What's to worry about?" he exclaimed while giving him a slap on the back. "I mean, you did say she was just a plaything to you. Why worry about what she would think of you?" he asked while looking at him seriously. 

"Well ... U-um ... *SIGH I don't even know why." he replied and sat down on the floor while rubbing the back of his neck. "It's so weird though. I've never had this feeling before. It's like I care about her thoughts or opinions about me. My heart skipped a beat when she was laughing. Ahhh! I don't know anymore!" he said while scratching his head frantically.

Tetsu squatted next to him and lightly patted him on the back and said, "This time, you have to find out for yourself. As your bestfriend, might I suggest not to run away from what you feel. Stop denying what you already know. You might regret it your whole life." he patted him again and walked back inside. 

Not to run away? Stop denying? Regret? Do I really see her that way? But it's impossible! I've never liked a girl seriously before. 

Morning came and it was another day for school. As usual, Yuki would get scolded off for having blonde hair. She always says that they don't have the extra money at the moment or she's busy and promises to get it done. The teachers let her off again and she headed inside. 

"Goodmorning Yuki!" Hikari exclaimed and hugged Yuki tightly from the back. 

"Ahh.ha.ha. G-goodm-morning.Hi-hika-r-ri! C-can't breathe." she replied while trying to breathe. Hikari then let go and chuckled. 

"By the way, I'm dying my hair brown or black this weekend." Yuki announced excitedly to Hikari. 

"Ehh?! Really?! Uwaah! I bet you'd look pretty cute!" she replied while imagining it. 

"I'm not doing it just to be pretty, it's just that the teachers have been bugging me about it. And probably on that day, I'm gonna stop from disguising as well!" she said while looking out the window and back to Hikari. Hikari then grabbed her hand. 

"Finally! I'm sure everyone will be so shocked to see you next week! I'm so excited."  she replied while walking off excitedly. Then she noticed Ryuu approaching, she then turned to look out the window. 

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