Chapter 27

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The next morning, Yuki slowly got up of bed.

"Hmmm..."she groaned.

" I?"she mumbled.

"Oh hey ! You're awake."Kai said and approached her.

"Kurugi?"she asked.

Kai sat next to her on the bed.

"Yeah, your fever went down."he said as he placed his palm on her forehead.

"You idiot ! Why didn't you wake me up yesterday?"she lightly punched Kai.

"Haha ! How could I when you were sleeping like a bear."he chuckled and headed out to the kitchen.

"I so wasn't."she said.

"Come on out when you're ready." Kai added.

She got ready and went out.

"You made all this!?"she asked in amazement.

"What? Don't I look like I can cook? You underestimate me too much."he said boastfully.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to know how to cook."she chukled.

"H-hey ! That's mean."he responded.

They both laughed and started eating.

"So where do you plan on going today?"Kai asked.

"Hmm, I want to try the central part of town. I might get answers there."she answered while eating.

Kai just nods at her and stares at her eating.

Yuki notices him staring.

"What?"she asked.

"Nothing."he shaked his head and smirked.

Yuki thought it was weird but decided to ignore it.

As soon as they finished breakfast, they started to clean up.

"Ohh, let me help wash the dishes."Yuki happily asked.

"No, you don't need to. You're the guest after all."Kai disagreed.

"C'mon ! I was the one who imposed on you. I think I should do this at least."Yuki insisted.

"Hmm."Kai looks at her.

"Okay, fine."Kai agreed.

"Haha, alright !"she exclaimed and started helping him with the dishes.

After awhile, they cleaned up and decided to go.

"Okay, I'll meet you in town in about 15 mins."she said.

"Why don't I just wait for you?"Kai asked.

"I have to do some other stuff. I won't be too long."she said and headed inside the inn.

Kai bit his lip and took out his phone.

He started typing. 

"And send."Kai muttered.

"Hey."Yuki called out.

Kai shook and dropped his phone.

Yuki walked down towards him.

"D-don't sneak up on me like that. Geez! You scared the crap out of me."Kai said and bent down to grab his phone.

"Scared I might see something."she teasingly said.

Kai didn't say anything and widened his eyes.

"I was just kidding."Yuki chuckled and went ahead of him.

Kai chuckled doubtfully and followed her.

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