Chapter 26

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Yuki went back to the inn, still empty-handed.


"I thought it would be way easier to find them, since they were pretty known the last time I was here."

She threw her things and leaped on her futon.

"Something's just not right."she thought deeply.

Just then, her phone rang.

"Hello."Yuki answered.

"YUKI !!!"a voice screamed on the other end.

"Oww !"she mumbled.

"Oh my God ! I thought you died already."the voice exaggeratingly sighed.

"Thank you very much for checking on me. Geez, Hikari. It's not like I'm on a death mission here."she chuckled and started removing her shoes.

"Haha ! I know. I just wanted to make sure you were alright, since you haven't emailed or called us since you left. You just got us worried, that's all."she worriedly replied.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just that I was busy looking."Yuki apologized and put her shoes away.

"Ugh enough drama. How's it going there?"she changed the topic.

"Hmm. Good I guess. Looking around."she replied hesistantly.

"Oh yeh. You never told me what you're trying to look for over there."she said.

"......"Yuki didn't answer.

"C'mon,yuki. You can tell me. We're bestfriends right? I won't tell Ryuu or anyone else if that's what you're worried about."she pleaded.

"Alright."she replied, happily.

"The thing is, I'm looking for that gang that threatened me two years ago."Yuki said.

"WHAT?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"Hikari yelled on the other end.

"Shhh, Hikari !"Yuki told her off.

"I'm sorry but.. ARE YOU CRAZY?!"she whispered in an angry voice.

"Why? What's wrong with it?"she asked.

"Well, they threatened you and your grandma. The whole reason why you left that place. Now, you're looking for them?!"she annoying replied.

"I know it sounds stupid-"she said.

"It just doesn't stupid. It's completely stupid!"Hikari cuts her off.

"Alright alright. I know it's a dumb move but this is the only way I know to figure out what happened two years ago with Yamato."she explained.

"Yamato?! That jerk! Why do you even care about him still?! You've got Ryuu now! He lied to you. He betrayed you. He fooled you all these years and you're trying to solve something for him?!"Hikari yelled.

"Hikari. I have to do this."she replied.

"You have to do this.. Don't tell me, you-"Hikari said.

"No no ! It's not what you think! I don't love Yamato anymore, I only want Ryuu. But this is just bothering me, so I really need to know the truth."she hurriedly said.

"Hmm. Okay."Hikari answered.

"I'm sorry I yelled. I was just-"Hikari tried to apologize.

"Worried? I know you are. haha. You're a worrywart after all."Yuki jokingly said.

"But you don't need to worry. Someone's helping me out here."Yuki added.

"Oh who?"Hikari asked curiously.

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