Chapter 24

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Yuki walked down to the bus stop and waited for a bus.

The bus came and she was the only passenger.

"Good evening. That would be 2000 yen."the bus driver greeted her and smiled widely.

She nodded and handed him the money.

"Thank you and might I say you look really beautiful dear."said the bus driver,

"Thanks."she whispered,

He reached out to the steering wheel, he looked at his rear mirror and saw Yuki biting her lips

"You can cry all you want. You'll be my last passenger tonight, so just let it all out."the bus driver said.

"Uhhh..."she mumbled.

"Let it all out."the driver said calmly.

In a few seconds, she cried all out. She didn't stop, she kept thinking about everything. The bus driver stayed quiet and let her cry all she wanted.

After a 30 minutes,

The bus came to a stop.

"We're here."he said,

She got up and walked towards the door.

"Whatever happened that made you cry so much, don't let it bring you down. Be strong and hold your head up high. Move forward and change. It's not a cowardly act to cry, sometimes your eyes just sweat."he said and joked.

She smiled and walked down.

"Now that's a smile."he waved goodbye.

She waved back and walked towards her home.

As soon as she gets home, she scans her bag to look for her phone.

She sees Ryuu's missed calls and voiced mails.

"Yuki, why'd you leave?! We need to talk. Please call me. I hope you're okay."the voice mail ends.

"Hey ! Did you get home safe? Are you okay? Please I'm worried. Call me back."the voice mail ends.

"Yuki, Yamato told me-"she ends the voice mail.

She hurriedly scans her contacts and texted Hikari.

She packed her bags and slumped onto her bed.

Her tears started to fall out one by one.

The next morning, she woke up early.

"Nana, I'm going away for a few days or weeks or so."she calmly said while biting her bread.

"W-why? Did I do something for you to leave?"she asked worriedly.

"Sorry nana. It's not you. I just have to deal with something."she replied and stopped moving. She looked down on her breakfast.

"Hmm. Okay. Just come back home safe, okay?"her nana smiled.

"I will ! Thanks nana !"she replied happily and grabbed her bags.

Meanwhile at school

Ryuu hurriedly went to school.

As soon as he gets in his classroom, he starts looking around.

"Hikari !"he called out.

"Where's Yuki?!"he asked.

"What do you mean where is she?! Didn't she tell you. I mean you're her boyfriend after all."she replied.

"Wait what?!"he asked confused.

"It makes sense. Of course she wouldn't tell you."she mumbled.

"Hikari please tell me !"he shooked her.

"Alright alright ! Geez. She won't be coming to school for awhile."she replied and shrugged him off.

Everyone looked at them.

"There's too much people here. Let's go somewhere quiet."she suggested and walked out first.

Ryuu followed her out.

After a few minutes

"You do know the story right?"she asked.

"Yeah, Yamato told me a little bit of it."he replied.

"That YAMATO aye ! Uhuh ! I'm gonna punch a hole through his face when I see him !"she exclaimed angrily.

"The nerve of him to just casually talk to Yuki after all this time?!"she added.

"She suffered so much after thinking he was dead !"she said.

"Wait what are you on about?!"he asked.

"Wait. What did he tell you?"she asked.

"He told me he used to bully Yuki in school and made her fall in love with him. Apparently she was madly inlove with him, so he asked some guys to pretend to have killed him so that she'll stop stalking him."he explained.

"Are you an idiot?"she whispered.

"What?"he asked.


"Well, I did doubt it."he chuckled.

"I remember Yuki telling me about that whole thing."he added.

"Then, I wasted my breath for yelling at you if you already knew."she said.

"Nah, just wanted to confirm."he smiled weakly.

"Let's go back and we'll talk to Yuki afterwards."she said.

"Okay."he replied.

They walked down the stairs and as they we're about to go down another flight of stairs, at the corner of Ryuu's eyes.

"Yuki?"he whispered.

He stopped from walking and walked back.

"YUKI !"he called out.

She stopped as he called out.

She hurriedly walks away.

"Yuki wait !"he called out again.

Yuki ran as quick as she could.

Ryuu reached the front gate, he looked left and right, but there was no sign of Yuki.

"What the heck is going on?!"he yelled and kick the bin.

Yuki flinched when he kicked the bin. She was hiding behind one of the pillars.

"I'm so sorry..."she whispered and clenched her fist against her chest.

"Where'd she go?"Hikari called out to Ryuu, running.

"I don't even know"he said and just continued walking.

"Ryuu."Hikari whispered.


"Hello?"Hikari answered.

"YUKI?!"she exclaimed.

Ryuu stopped and turned slightly.

"Are you okay?!"she asked.

"I'm fine. Haha."Yuki replied.

"not funny. where are you?"she asked.

"I'll be away for a bit. I don't know when I'll be back."she replied and she went silent.

"What?! WHY?! Are you crazy?!"she yelled.

"This is something I have to do."she whispered.


Ryuu asked to have the phone, Hikari nodded.

"I'm handing the phone to Ryuu now."she said.

"WHAT! No. Don't"she quickly said.

Hikari retreated from giving him the phone.

Ryuu's face went blank after hearing what Yuki said.

"What is wrong with you?! First, you disappear without saying anything. Second, you ran away from us when we saw you. Third, you're leaving for a while and you don't even know when you'll be back. Now, you don't want to talk to your boyfriend?!"she angrily said.

"I'm sorry. My head's not in the right place at the moment."she replied.

"Yeah you are so right. Is your head up your ass?!"she yelled.

"I'm sorry. It's just hard to say goodbye. That's why...That's why.. *SNIFF *SNIFF"she replied and started to cry.

Hikari became calm, she looked at Ryuu and smiled at him.

"Hey, do what you have to do. Just make sure you come back to us okay?"Hikari calmly said.

"Hikari..."Yuki whispered.

"I'll be waiting for you."Ryuu spoke out.

Yuki's eyes widened and slowly smiled.

"I will come back. Thank you. Bye."she said and hanged up

Ryuu sat on a bench and cupped his face with his elbows sitting on his knee.

Hikari looked at Ryuu and patted his back.

Yamato overheard their conversation.

He bit on his phone.

"Where are you going Yuki?!"he whispered angrily and gripped tightly on his phone.

Yuki looks out the window of the bus she was on and smiled.

"I'm gonna find out the truth and confirm everything."she thought to herself, determined to accomplish it.


Thank you so much for the reads guys ! Thank you to those who have been following this <3 It means alot to me ! Thank you so much ! I'm sorry I've been bad lately for not updating alot, I was busy for the end of school. Please continue to support me and read my book.

Please vote too <3 Thank you

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