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Chapter 1: Ice Heart

"Okay everybody please settle down, let's start our english class." Haruna-sensei announced. The class already became quiet as she wrote something on the board.

Usagi scanned the room and she saw that all the girls were staring bad at her. "Is there something wrong on my face?" Usagi thought "Or maybe... Also why is Mamoru is so cold? As if he hates me very much" her mind was full of thoughts until

"Tsukino-san..." Haruna-sensei called Usagi, but Usagi was still in deep thought.

"Tsukino-san" Mamoru said snapped Usagi out of her thoughts "Yes?!" Usagi said loud. "Please pay attention in the class Tsukino-san and answer this one" Haruna-sensei commanded. Usagi bit her lip on nervousness. English was her worst subject.

Serena _________ (stumble, stumbled, stumbling) in front of Darien. ________ (But, And, So) Darien ________ (helped, help, helping) her.

"Can I do this?" Usagi thought to her self. "I think I will guess the answer"

Serena stumbled (stumble, stumbled, stumbling) in front of Darien. So (But, And, So) Darien helped (helped, help, helping) her.

"Very good Tsukino-san" Haruna sensei said in English "Uh? What?" Usagi was confused. "You did it right Tsukino-san" Haruna-sensei said.

She go back on her seat and Mamoru suddenly spoke "Tsukino-san, pay attention at class stop thinking any non-sense." Mamoru said rolling his eyes "Shut up cold-blooded jerk" Usagi retorted back

And the class continues

An hour later

"Okay, class dissmiss" Haruna-sensei finally dismissed the class.

Usagi packing her things and ready to leave but someone approaches her. "Hi Tsukino Usagi-san" A girl with a short hazelnut hair with a blue ribbon said. "Hi" Usagi replied "I'm Osaka Naru, but you can call me Naru." The girl named Naru said "Nice to meet you Naru-chan" Usagi said smiling

"Hi Usagi-san I'm Gurio Umino!" Umino suddenly appeared "Where did you come from!? Oh sorry! Nice to meet you" Usagi was shocked at Umino's sudden appearance.

"Um, can I ask something?" Usagi said "Sure, what is it?" Naru said "Is Chiba-san really cold towards other people?" Usagi asked "He is quite mysterious, but he's not cold. Because he is really cold! He really acts that way but he is polite to elders." Naru explained "Why did you ask though?" Naru added "He's so cold to me and I don't why, it's like that he hates me or something" Usagi explained "Don't worry, you're not alone. Everyone felt that way towards him"

At Crown Arcade

After School Usagi alwas go to Crown Arcade "Oh Hi Usagi-chan!" Furuhata Motoki said, Usagi's crush that working at the Arcade "Hi Motoki-nii-chan!" Usagi said "So, How's you're first day on school?" Motoki asked "It's fine" Usagi said "Do you have new friends?" Motoki asked "Yeah and there are someone hates me" Usagi replied "Why? Did you do something bad?" Motoki asked "No! No! I don't know he is just so cold to me as if he hates me I don't know why"

"Motoki" a voice suddenly spoken. Usagi turned around to see who it was and it's Chiba Mamoru. receiving a cold stare from him

"Oh hey Mamoru! She is Tsukino Usagi she-" Motoki was cutted by Mamoru saying "I already know her" Mamoru said

"So you know Mamoru then?" Motoki asked Usagi "Yes, I already know him. He is the one that I am talking about." Usagi said "What Mamoru? Cold? no way! He is an Ice!" Motoki said in shock "I need to go Motoki" Mamoru said waving at Motoki and leaving Usagi an icy glare then go. "He's really cold aren't he? I wonder how we became friends?" Motoki said outloud "Need to go too Motoki-nii-san" Usagi said "Well, later then"

Usagi is walking, Mamoru is in front of her. Usagi wondered where he lives because they have the same path through home.

"Are you following me?" Mamoru suddenly spoken "No! Ofcourse not! This is the path I am walking to get to my home" Usagi explained "Whatever" Mamoru said walking away

More walks later

"Are you sure you are not following me? This is my home already" Mamoru said pointing to the house near them "No! Actually, that one is my house." Usagi said pointing to the house beside his "Great, an Odango Atama as a neighbor, just great." Mamoru said sarcasticly

"Wait what did you just call me? And yes I'm the new neighbor. Your house, no, mansion is so big!" Usagi said "Well then Odango, try to be a good neighbor" He said rolling his eyes and proceeded to enter the house

"Bye neighbor-san!" Usagi said the proceeded to enter her house too.

To be continued....

V3.0 Edit: 5/11/19

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now