Act 26-October Blues:Mamoru V.S. Seiya

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Sailor Moon Facts!
Sērāmūn Jijitsu

Usagi:Konnichiwa! Tsukino Usagi-sama here! To give you facts that you don't know (or you know already).

Do you know that:

Based on Takeuchi Naoko-sama, Mizuno Ami was supposed to be a cyborg!? And she will broke into pieces and will die!?

School Yard (Break)

Minako:Ah... It's first week of October already...

Rei:Hai! It's being cold already right?

Makoto:Hai, Hai, And the snow becaming like a storm. By the way where are the others?

Rei:Ami-chan was called by the principal And also Mamoru-san. Because they are the representative of our school for upcoming High School Debut.

Minako:Woah! Sugoi!


Michiru:Hi Minako-san, Makoto-san, Rei-san

Makoto:Haruka-san! Michiru-san!

Haruka:Where's Odango-chan and the others?

Rei:Ami-chan and Mamoru-san was called by the principal. Usagi-chan, Has a sick today she's not present today right?

Haruka:Oh, I forgot

Michiru:Ami-san and Mamoru-san are really intelligent students right?


*the school bell rang*

Makoto:Let's go to our room

(On the school gate)

Makoto:Hey, Let's visit Usagi-chan.


Michiru:We will go to,

Ami:Haruka-san, Michiru-san

Seiya:We will go too,

Rei:Seiya-san, Taiki-san, Yaten-san,

Mamoru:So, Let's go?


Tsukino's House

*Ding Dong*

Ikuko:Hai? Wait there!

she opened the door


Mamoru:Ikuko-san, Where's Usa?

Ikuko:She's on her room

Usagi's Room


Makoto:Usagi-chan! Are you okay now?

Minako:Did you rest well?

Ami:Did you take medicine?

Rei:Did you eat your odangos on head?

Usagi:Yes i eat- Rei-chan! Hidoi!

Rei giggled

Usagi:Yes, I'm okay, I rest, and I take medicine

Michiru:Take care Usagi-san

Haruka:Be okay soon Odango-chan

Yaten:Nee! Usagi-san! Seiya nii-chan was worried about you!

Taiki:Hai, He is but us too you know?

Seiya:Oi oi! Taiki nii-chan! Yaten!

Seiya blushed

Usagi:Minna! Arigatou! But where is Mamo-chan?

Mamoru:Here in the back!

Usagi stands and go to him

Usagi:I thought you didn't come

Mamoru:I thought I didn't too


Minako:They are really best friends right?

All of them nodded

Mamoru:Now go to bed and rest I give you notes for the test tomorrow


Ami:Hai so study Usagi-chan


Rei:Nee Usagi-chan Mamoru-san and Ami-chan will be on a debut.

Usagi:Hontou!? Sugoi!

Makoto:Saa minna let's leave them here they will study...


Taiki:Nee, Seiya You jealous of them



Seiya:Hai, Hai,


To be Continued

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now