Editing Changes

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Hi Everyone! I will just re-announce that this will be edited. And this one already have an Sequel Hospital Love Story.

There will be changes in the story, like:

*The Cover
The last cover was a not that catchy. And it was not that colourful. Also the characters in the old cover were only Usagi and Mamoru. So I changed it to a colourful and the 6 main characters were there (Usagi, Mamoru, Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako)

*The Title
I just re-read the story and I asked my self "Why Love Story? Their Love Story just started at the end". So... I chage it to "My Crazy High School Story" In Usagi's Point of View.
*Some of the Chapters
because some has typographical and grammatical errors

*Character's personality
I know the characters were out of characters specially: Mamoru, Rei, Haruka and Michiru. But the very out of character was Haruka and Michiru. I am so sorry because of that. But I will study their characters and try to make them in Character.

*The Plot
Some of the story plot will be change. Because Usagi and Mamoru's closure was bit fast

*The Setting
There will be some dates, places and days will be change. Or should I say all.

*The Style of the story
When talking I will change from
to this
"Mamoru-baka!" Usagi exclaimed

Well, that's all hope you read the sequel "Hospital Love Story"

Hope you look forward the revised version.

I promise that before Sailor Moon Crystal dream arc starts this story was finished revising

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now