Act 24-Kou Brothers, Tennou Haruka and Kaioh Michiru

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Haruka:I'm Tennou Haruka

Michiru:I'm Kaioh Michiru

Taiki:Kou Taiki

Yaten:Kou Yaten

Seiya:Kou Seiya

Haruna-sensei:Okay Kou-san


Haruna-sensei:Uh... the one with white hair...


Haruna:Sit behind Aino-san with the black hair behind Osaka-san. the brown haired behind Kou-san with black hair. Tennou-san and Kaioh-san behind Kuroki-san and Hinagawa-san

sitting arrangement:

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* * Tennou Kaioh

Kou T. * * *

Kou S. Kou Y. * *

Osaka Aino Hino Kino

Gurio Mizuno Tsukino Chiba

While in class

Minako:*whispers* Usagi-chan


Minako:*whispers*Seiya-san was staring on you

Haruna-sensei:What are you whispering about Aino-san?

Minako:Nothing sensei gomen ne

Break Time

Girl:Oh my gosh! The new boys transfer here are so cute!

Another Girl:But they can't beat Chiba-senpai!

Girl:Yeah you're right!

Makoto:The girls are right they can't beat Mamoru-san

Usagi:By the way where's Mamo-chan?

Ami:Don't you know that he is the president of student council?


Ami:Hai, He is touring the new transferies here

School Gym

Mamoru:So here's the school Gym, Where do you want to go next?

Michiru:Can we go to the Music Room


Music Room

Mamoru:So... Here's the Music Room we have hundreds of musical instruments here. And the Music team was hiring some students.


Mamoru:So... You want to see more?

Yaten:The school cafétteria! I'm hungry


Mamoru:It's okay

School Cafétteria


Mamoru:Hi Usa

Ami:Hi Michiru-san, Haruka-san, Seiya-san, Taiki-san and Yaten-san..

Haruka:Mind if we join?

Makoto:Yes it's okay

To be continued

Sorry for the late update I am thinking how to start their roles specialy Seiya, Taiki and Yaten because I really don't know them that much but I will try to know the for them to fit in their roles. And also busy playing some Sailor Moon Retro Games 😁😀😄

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now