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Chapter 2: Melting Cold Ice

When the texts are in Italic it's an English or Ingurish normal text are the normal lets just assume Japanese because I can't write this story in Japanese because no one will understand

April 5, XXXX
6:30 A.M.

Usagi woke up early. It's a miracle for her. She wants to sleep but her eyes won't let her so she already stand and get ready for a new day awaits. And she have a mission: To break the ice on Mamoru's heart.


Mamoru is almost finished taking his breakfast. When he was already finished. He go to school this early. The classes will start at 8:30 but he was leaving 6:30, too early right? Well, because he was alone in his mansion. Yes, mansion. When his parents went to America and died from an airplane crash the title of the mansion to him was named to him. He chosen not to have a bodyguard either a driver. Eversince the accident happen his personality became cold that no one could break.


Mamoru was closing his door until he heard a voice "Hey!" It was Usagi "No not you again" Mamoru said frustrated, annoyed. "Sorry, but it's me! Let's go to school together!" Usagi said "And why would I go to school with you Tsukino?" Mamoru asked annoyed "We need to work that coldness of yours Chiba. And let's start walking to school together! "Fine! If that will shut you up! I will walk woth you" Mamoru said furious "Yay!" Usagi said delighted "BUT, don't talk to me" Mamoru added coldly then he started walking. "Aw, come-on Mamoru! Can't you be nice at least one minute?"


While walking, Usagi was the only one that is talking. Which is leaving Mamoru annoyed. "Did I just tell you not to talk to me?" "But I want too!" Usagi demanded "Idiot" Mamoru said annoyed

"Yo man! Long time no chat!" A boy with a long brown hair said he appeared from nowhere "What are you doing here?" Mamoru said cold. Luckily, Usagi understand english but she's terrible in speaking.

"Cold as always huh, Who's the chick? Chillin' with ya gal?" Nef asked "No, this one is not my girl, she is just a nobody" Mamoru said "You are really cold Chiba" Nef said "Haaro! Ai emu Tsukino Usagi desu" Usagi said in Ingurish "Nice to meet you Usagidesu" Nef handed his hand "Idiot her name's Usagi not Usagidesu" Mamoru said "Ah! Naisu tsu mitu yu Nefu Raito-san" They shaked hands

"What are you doing here by the way You didn't answer the question?" Mamoru said "I am a exchange student here the gang will too but they will be here sooner." Nef explained

"Well, See ya later aligator man See ya Usagi" Nef winked at Usagi and go away.

"Hey, Chiba do you have more american friends? If you have please! Don't introduce me! It was hard!" Usagi said her nose was already blending "Oh my gosh! It's bleeding! It was your fault" Usagi said "Well I have 3 more and they will also transfer here. You really are an idiot" Mamoru said. "meanie" Usagi murmured


The vell rings, it's the sign that it's finally lunchbreak. Usagi come closer to Mamoru's sit and said "Can I eat with you?" "No" Mamoru replied "Aww come on Mamoru!" And still, Usagi joined him

"Hey look! Was that Nefu?" Usagi said pointing at Nef "Great another idiot" Mamoru said. The two of them was sitting at the bench. "It looks like he was approaching a girl this will be interesting" Mamoru said "Eh?"

"Hey there missy I am Nef Raito. You are" Nef said holding the girls hand "Kyaaaa! Hentai!" The girl ran away "Nice to meet you Hentai!" Nef shouted to the girl. Nef spotted Mamoru and Usagi.

Usagi and Mamoru burst out laughing at that scene. "Hey Mamo, Usagi" Nef said "Hey Nefu-san!" Usagu said wiping tears on her eyes. "That girl named Hentai was so beautiful" Nef said and Usagi and Mamoru laughed more "Hey! Why you crazy folks laughing?" Nef asked confused "Well you idiot, in Japan hentai was not a name that means pervert" Mamoru said now cold "What the f*** do I look like a hentai!?" Nef said trying to confront the girl

"Mamoru, you should laugh more" Usagi said, Mamoru just walked away in response "How would I break that ice on you Mamoru?" Usagi said to herself

'It's been a while since I laughed like this' Mamoru thought

To be continued
V3.0 Edited: 5/19/19

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now