Act 30-Seiya's Confession:Usagi's Dillema

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3 weeks later...

Finally it was Last week of November. That 6 Rude Girls Finally Kicked out in the school what happened?

Flashback Yesterday

That 6 girls did something bad again

Yui:Dare to say this to the Guidance's office all of you will be punished

An hour after that Mamoru goes to guidance's office and reported it but there was a hidden thing happened

The Kou's are on their way to school.

Taiki:Hey Seiya you really ready to tell her?

Seiya:Yes I am on recess I'll try

On the class

Haruna-sensei:Where is Chiba-san?

A student:We didn't saw him around

There is a man entered the room

Haruna-sensei:What is it?

Man:The 6 girls that kicked out from this school want to give this

he gaved the cd

Man:They said it is thier project...

Haruna-sensei played it....

Pāru:Hey minna remember us this is our project

There are Mans that kicking something no, Someone

Chiemi:It is here!

The doors opened and there entered a blood showering MAMORU! Everybody gasped

Yui:That is the punishment for his big mouth


Minako:Haruna-sensei can we bring him to the hospital!?


Ami:Mamo-san shikarishte! (Hold on)

Makoto carry him with her boy-like strength

Rei:Let's go

Haruna-sensei:Take care!

To be continued

Oh no I am so cruel! Find out what will happen next, Will Seiya finally admit his feelings?

私の狂った高校の物語 (My Crazy High School Story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now